The State of Florida Department of Health maintains strategic priorities focused on Prevention, Customer-driven Excellence, Public Health Preparedness and Response, and Return on Investment.
The Inner Quality Management® and Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Competence in Leadership Effectiveness™ programs were provided across multiple County Health Departments and Agencies throughout the state to provide proven tools and techniques that build skill, and accelerate and focus leadership’s and staff’s demonstration of behaviors and actions that support these strategic priorities.
Sample 5a: The Miami-Dade County Health Department – Senior Leadership Team
The Miami-Dade County Health Department’s Senior Leadership Team identified a strategic priority to create and execute on a Quality Improvement Plan to put Quality Management into practice to better address the needs of external customers and stakeholders. Part of this priority was implementation of the Total Quality Management (TQM) model including the three components of Policy Management, Process Management and Process Improvement, along with operationalizing the Florida Sterling Council’s criteria for Organizational Performance:
- Continuous Improvement and Learning
- Customer-driven quality
- Design quality and prevention
- Fast response
- Leadership
- Valuing employees
The principles identified for Performance Excellence were:
- Manage with Facts
- Plan – Do – Check – Act
- Respect people
- Focus on customers
It was determined that Quality Management in the Miami-Dade County Health Department consists of three major components:
- Employee teams
- Strategic priorities
- Quality in daily work through process management
Beginning in 1999 we began working with the Senior Leadership Team to deliver learning and development programs to support their goals of improvement on these criteria. The focus was:
- Leadership development
- Team effectiveness
- Excellence in customer service
The Inner Quality Management® and Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Competence in Leadership Effectiveness™ programs were provided to support skill building in behaviors that are the key drivers of the strategic priorities.
Client’s Objectives:
- More focused alignment with Statewide Strategic goal: Operate the Dept. of Health Effectively and Efficiently
- Quality Management/Performance Improvement Master Plan for fiscal year 1999-2000: Goal #1 – Department of Health leaders set direction and are visible leaders for quality
- Provide Senior Leadership Team with tools and techniques to improve effectiveness in these areas:
– Improve leadership team effectiveness, including trust, communication, decision-making
– Improve capacity of leadership team to lead and manage change
– Improve the quality of leadership demonstrated by each individual Sr. leader to more effectively lead and engage their staff/teams
– More consistently model our core values: Honesty, Efficiency, Accountability, Leadership, Teamwork, Hand-in-Hand, along with our guiding principles of: Excellence, Creativity, Customer Satisfaction, Cultural Sensitivity
– Improve resilience and capacity to effectively manage stress using scientifically-validated tools which enable leaders to model health and wellness to our staff and the community - Improve customer service satisfaction scores
The following program teams completed our learning and development programs:
- Leadership Team (County Administrator and Sr. Leadership Team) (1999 – 2000)
- WIC (Women, Infants & Children) leadership, management and supervisory team (2000)
- HIV-AIDS Program leadership, management and supervisory team (2002 – 2003)
- HIV-AIDS Program, program managers and social workers (2002 – 2003)
- HIV-AIDS Program leadership team (2010)
- Healthy Start Managers (2002-2003)
- TB Prevention Program leadership, management and supervisory team (2003)
- Women’s Health Program leadership, management and supervisory team (2004)
- School Health Program leadership, supervisors team (2004)
Program Format: Level 3T, Level 4 and 4T programs were delivered to multiple program department teams
- Leadership Team Effectiveness with Emotional Intelligence Competence
- Team Re-genesis
- Resilience – Core Competency for Sustained Performance Excellence
Impact – Overall measurably positive results on multiple individual and team behavioral and performance measures were recorded.
Sr. Leadership Team – The Chief Health Officer/Administrator and Quality Improvement Director reported observed improvements in these key capacities in the Sr. Leadership Team:
- Overall increased trust, teamwork and collaboration and reduced tension between senior leaders
- Increased strategic focus
- Improved communication effectiveness, improved listening and understanding of needs
- Improved focus and mental clarity
- Improved acceptance of change and effectiveness in leading change within departments
- Improved coping under pressure
- Reduction of physical stress symptoms
Using internal measures tied to the Quality Improvement Master Plan for leadership, the Quality Improvement office recorded strong improvements in these areas:
- Leadership development – increased focus on strategic priorities and on leading vs. doing, increased delegation and empowerment of staff, improved communication from leaders to staff
- Team effectiveness – increased communication, collaboration, authentic dialogue and improved decision making
- Excellence in customer service – improvements in customer satisfaction and service survey scores and feedback
In 2002, the Miami-Dade County Health Department (now the Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County) was the first county health department in the state to receive the Governor’s Sterling Award, in recognition of being a role model in performance excellence. It is one of only 71 organizations in the state to have earned this prestigious award. The Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County was the recipient of the Governor’s Sterling Award again in 2006 and 2012, and achieved additional recognition for performance excellence with the Sterling Sustained Excellence Award in 2014.
Pre – Post program
The POQA is a normed self-report assessment consisting of 80 questions designed to measure key elements of personal and organizational quality, and key factors of organizational climate and quality. Organizational Quality indicators include employee satisfaction, engagement and work effort, which produce important organizational performance outcomes such as customer satisfaction and profitability.
Pre-Post program improvements are reflected in the following measures:
Communication Effectiveness – 10% improvement Responses to Agree – Strongly Agree | PRE | POST | % Change |
We listen carefully to each other at work | 50% | 53% | 3% improvement |
My supervisor and I communicate well with each other | 74% | 88% | 14% improvement |
Our meetings at work are well organized | 42% | 56% | 14% improvement |
People where I work feel free to express their opinions | 37% | 56% | 19% improvement |
I listen closely to my co-workers | 89% | 94% | 5% improvement |
I communicate with “higher-ups” at work when needed | 89% | 100% | 11% improvement |
Social Support – 15% improvement Responses to Agree – Strongly Agree | PRE | POST | % Change |
I feel appreciated at work | 47% | 88% | 41% improvement |
I feel cared for | 68% | 88% | 20% improvement |
I feel supported by those close to me at work | 79% | 88% | 9% improvement |
Goal Clarity – 2% improvement Responses to Agree – Strongly Agree | PRE | POST | % Change |
I understand the priorities of my work goals | 95% | 100% | 5% improvement |
My work goals and my work organization’s goals are the same | 63% | 69% | 6% improvement |
The goals of my work organization are clear to me | 75% | 79% | 4% improvement |
Job Satisfaction – 3% improvement Responses to Agree – Strongly Agree | PRE | POST | % Change |
I feel like leaving this organization | 32% | 19% | -13% improvement |
I feel like quitting my job | 21% | 19% | – 2% improvement |
I feel good about what I do at work | 95% | 100% | 5% improvement |
Sample 5b: Miami-Dade County Health Department
HIV-AIDS Prevention Program – Managers and Supervisors
Client’s Objectives:
- Improve trust and unity as a team
- Improve accountability and ownership
- Improve communication within the team and from managers and supervisors to staff
- Improve efficiency, prioritization, time management, planning
- Reduce feelings of overwhelm and behaviors of reactivity in midst of changes and turmoil; Improve individual self-management of reactive emotions
- Improve focus during times of high stress, pressure and change
- Improve professionalism
- Increase empowerment of staff
- Improve expression of acknowledgement, appreciation and recognition by managers and supervisors to staff
- Demonstrate more sincere care to internal and external customers
- Enhance individual stress reduction, wellness and renewal. Improve resiliency
Program Format: Level 3T – Performance Excellence through Competencies of Emotional Intelligence, with Team Re-genesis module, including the Inner Quality Management® tools
HIV-AIDS Prevention Program – Managers and Supervisors (n14)
Impact – Overall measurably positive results on multiple individual and team behavioral and performance measures were recorded.
The HIV-AIDS Program Director reported post-program improvements in these key capacities:
- Overall improved clinic functioning
- Improved collaboration and teamwork during challenging times, less blame and finger pointing
- Improved communication effectiveness, improved listening and understanding of needs
- Improved morale
- Improved shared commitment to customer needs, working together to meet or exceed customer needs
- More coordination and follow-up
- Reduced absences/sick days taken
Written and verbal reports from participants described:
- Improved unity, especially in chaotic situations that arise
- Improved teamwork and cohesiveness
- More comradery, willingness to work together
- Improved appreciation and understanding of one another
- Increased listening to really understand
- Increased communication
- Improved morale
- Reduced tension, stress and anxiety
- No more gossip and excuses
Significant progress was made. Through the training and coaching program, the participants have built skill and learned tools to continue their movement toward higher performance.
Describe individual benefits or improvements have are experiencing and how that is impacting your performance as a Supervisor or Manager.
- My supervising has improved. Others have given me feedback that I’m concentrating better on my work and role without feelings of stress or anxiety.
- My ability to focus on the right things at the right time more often where before I would get distracted off the priorities.
- I’m accomplishing more tasks in a shorter time period.
- I’m spending less time frustrated.
- I’ve been able to communicate more clearly, especially when I’ve been upset.
- My prioritization effectiveness has improved, and I’m less reactive.
- I have learned to identify when something is my problem to solve and when it is not and let go of it when it’s not mine to solve.
- I have improved my ability to sleep, which is a huge thing, because I was not getting enough rest and it was affecting my work.
- I’m now able to listen better and I’m able to handle stressful situations better.
- My moods are more stable and I’m more patient.
- I have reduced feelings of anxiety and depression, using the tools I learned.
What benefits or improvements have you experienced?
Fill in the blank “I know that I have improved __________ because __________.”
Improved Relationships With Co-workers
- I know that I know that I have improved working relationship because my attitude is more positive in different situations.
- I know that I know that I have improved working relationship because others are coming to me more often to share and seek my perspective.
- I know that I know that I have improved working relationship because I’m now communicating more often with some co-workers that I find difficult, but rather than withholding from them I am not letting that get in the way.
Improved Supervisory Effectiveness
- I know that I have improved my ability to motivate others because my staff is bringing problems with proposed solutions, they are more proactive.
- I know that I have improved my ability to motivate others because I compliment others on their accomplishments and wasn’t doing that before, and I’m seeing increased participation from that.
- I know that I have improved my ability to delegate because now I delegate the majority of inquiries for presentation to my HES.
- My manager has given me feedback that my supervising is more on target.
- I know that I have improved my performance as a supervisor because my staff has acknowledged that I listen to them better and provide the assistance they need.
- I know that I have improved my understanding of others and their needs because my staff realizes that they are more productive and feel better.
Improved Listening and Communication
- I know that I have improved listening because I have listened more intuitively to others and their body language.
- I know that I have improved my communication skills because my customers expressed it in their comments to me.
- I know that I have improved communication because I take my time when I speak to others.
- I know that I have improved communication skills because I’ve been able to communicate more effectively, and don’t when I’m very upset.
- I know that I have improved 100% in my listening skills, because I am more patient with my relatives and coworkers, and more understanding of their concerns.
- I know that I have improved my ability to communicate effectively when upset because I take a step back, write down the problem and then act.
- I know that I have improved my communication skills because I’m more aware of the other person’s feelings and the impact that my words could have on that person.
- I know that I have improved my ability to communicate effectively when I am upset because other people, my wife and coworkers feel more comfortable discussing issues.
- I know that I have improved my ability to communicate effectively when upset because I take time to understand the other party’s point of view.
Improved Productivity, Prioritization, Efficiency
- I know that I have improved in correctly answering and solving situations. My co-workers have begun to ask my opinion and have taken suggestions on how to handle certain situations.
- I know that I have improved in prioritizing my work because my supervisor gets faster results on job requested.
- I know that I have improved my comfort in the planning process because I am more willing to participate and be a part of planning events and new ideas.
- I know that I have improved my sense of daily tasks to complete because I have made a priority list for everyday of the week of those things to be accomplished.
- I know that I have improved procrastination because I’ve been doing frequent evaluations on “things to do” with priorities.
- I know that I have improved my memory skills and ability to retain information because I’m able to deal with forgetfulness either through improved memory or strategies.
- I know that I have improved the time in responding to calls, because I have set time everyday for doing that and it’s more efficient.
Reduced Fatigue, Anxiety and Stressful feelings
Reduced Frustration and Improved Emotional Self-regulation
- I know that I have improved in reducing feelings of fatigue/burn out
- I know that I have improved my feeling of frustration or anger because I have given the appropriate place to those situations beyond my control.
- I know that I have improved my stressful feelings because I can sleep at night and there are no physical symptoms; I’m not feeling overwhelmed.
- I’m being very calm when facing any difficult situation.
- I know that I have improved my frustration and anger because I don’t feel the urge to rip people’s head off and I can identify my parameters.
- I know that I have improved my handling of emotions and their effects because I don’t go nuts and let it paralyze my performance.
- I know that I have improved handling my frustration and anger because my peers have mentioned it to me.
- I know that I have improved how I handle stressful feelings because my friends have noticed a change in my demeanor.
- I know that I have improved my frustration and anger because my co-workers feel that I am more tolerant with frustration situations.
- I’m more calm and in control. I try to analyze difficult situations before I act.
- I know that I have improved in reducing feelings of frustration because I take time to think about the causes of the frustration and act to make changes.
Well-being, Wellness and Health
- I know that I have improved my emotions and side effects because I sleep better and others notice I’m rested and able to concentrate.
- I know that I have improved my behavior or attitude because other people have even asked me if I am in love because they can see a glow in my face.
- I know that I have improved my satisfaction and enjoyment of my work because I’m more effective by reducing perfectionism to realistic levels.
- I know that I have improved my sleep patterns because I’m able to sleep well, feeling rested and less stressed out.
Post-program Surveys – Post-program surveys ask a series of questions to obtain qualitative and quantitative impact measurements. Extracts of selected post-program measurements are shown below.
Data collected 30 – 45 days post program
Personal and Organizational Quality Assessment (POQA)
Pre – Post program
The POQA is a normed self-report assessment consisting of 80 questions designed to measure key elements of personal and organizational quality, and key factors of organizational climate. Of primary consideration are the employees’ self-management competencies (foundational Emotional Intelligence competence), which interact with the organizational climate to influence and affect individual or personal quality. This, in turn, affects Organizational Quality indicators such as employee satisfaction, engagement and work effort, which produce important organizational performance outcomes such as customer satisfaction and profitability.
Pre and Post-program scores of participant responses were compared to a reference group consisting of over 5,900 responses from a variety of Fortune 500 companies and public sector organizations representing a diverse sample according to age, gender and job level.

Communication Effectiveness – 6% improvement Responses to Agree – Strongly Agree | PRE | POST | % Change |
We listen carefully to each other at work | 57% | 79% | 22% improvement |
My supervisor and I communicate well with each other | 71% | 79% | 8% improvement |
Our meetings at work are well organized | 21% | 29% | 8% improvement |
People where I work feel free to express their opinions | 43% | 71% | 28% improvement |
I listen closely to my co-workers (processing error data not collected) | 100% | 93% | -7% decline |
I communicate with “higher-ups” at work when needed | 79% | 93% | 14% improvement |
Social Support – 23% improvement Responses to Agree – Strongly Agree | PRE | POST | % Change |
I feel appreciated at work | 50% | 93% | 43% improvement |
I feel cared for | 43% | 71% | 28% improvement |
I feel supported by those close to me at work | 71% | 93% | 22% improvement |
Mental Clarity – 10% improvement Responses to Often – Most of the Time | PRE | POST | % Change |
Clear headed | 86% | 85% | No change |
Focused | 79% | 86% | 7% improvement |
Mentally alert | 79% | 100% | 21% improvement |
Goal Clarity – 6% improvement Responses to Agree – Strongly Agree | PRE | POST | % Change |
I understand the priorities of my work goals | 71% | 93% | 22% improvement |
My work goals and my work organization’s goals are the same | 71% | 79% | 8% improvement |
The goals of my work organization are clear to me | 71% | 79% | 8% improvement |
My work objectives are very specific | 57% | 71% | 14% improvement |
Productivity – 5% improvement Responses to Agree – Strongly Agree | PRE | POST | % Change |
I understand the priorities of my work goals | 71% | 93% | 22% improvement |
My work goals and my work organization’s goals are the same | 71% | 79% | 8% improvement |
The goals of my work organization are clear to me | 71% | 79% | 8% improvement |
My work objectives are very specific | 57% | 71% | 14% improvement |
Job Satisfaction – 3% improvement Responses to Agree – Strongly Agree | PRE | POST | % Change |
I accomplish my objectives at work | 86% | 93% | 7% improvement |
I am productive at work | 93% | 100% | 7% improvement |
I am efficient at work | 86% | 100% | 14% improvement |
My work produces excellent results | 93% | 93% | Sustained |
Sample 5c: Miami-Dade County Health Department
Women’s Health Program – Director, Managers and Supervisors (n15)
Client’s Objectives:
- Strengthen Managers’ and Supervisors’ effectiveness by applying each of their resources in methods that return higher value to those they lead, and to the organization.
- Improve skill in providing consistent, performance feedback to staff.
- Improve workplace culture by improving interpersonal relationships by applying respect, appreciation, compassion, tolerance and authentic communication.
- Improve teamwork by building trust and collaboration.
- Strengthen communication including listening.
- Improve focus during times of high stress and pressure.
- Improve individual self-management of reactive emotions.
- Demonstrate sincere care to internal and external customers.
- Enhance individual stress reduction, wellness and renewal. Improve resiliency.
Program Format: Level 3T – Performance Excellence through Competencies of Emotional Intelligence, with Team Re-genesis module, including the Inner Quality Management® tools
Women’s Health Program Director, Managers and Supervisors; n15
Advancement of Leadership Excellence – during Phase 3 of the program, the team built upon the skills they had learned and applied in Phase 1 and 2 workshop sessions, individual coaching sessions and the Team Challenge module, the team worked together to create the following:
- The team identified new Core Values for the Women’s Health Program department and defined each one behaviorally (not listed here).
- Compassion
- Adaptability & Creativity
- Commitment and Accountability
- Quality Customer/Community Focus
- Professionalism
- The team established new strategic points of focus along with descriptions of behaviors and actions that would enable clear understanding of what each “looked like” in practice (not listed here).
1. Strengthen leadership professionalism
2. Advocate clinic standards and marketing
3. Commitment, Initiative, Accountability
The WHP Director reported post-program improvements in these key capacities:
- Overall improved clinic functioning
- Increased teamwork and collaboration
- Improved communication effectiveness, improved listening and understanding of needs
- Improved collaboration and teamwork during challenging times, less blame and finger pointing
- Improved morale
- Improved shared commitment to customer needs, working together to meet or exceed customer needs
- Customer satisfaction survey scores have increased
- Increased professionalism in problem-solving approaches, less emotionality
- Reduced absences/sick days taken
Written and verbal reports from participants described:
- Improved accountability
- Improved teamwork and cohesiveness
- Improved understanding of one another
- Improved listening and communication with co-workers and managers
- Improved morale
- Reduced misunderstandings and behavior problems; reduced non-compliance
- Improved relationship dynamics between supervisors and front line staff
- Reduced feelings of stress and anxiety due to workload and things that are out of one’s control
- Reduced fatigue
Significant progress was made. Through the training and coaching program, the participants have built skill and learned tools to continue their movement toward higher performance.
Mid-program Qualitative Progress Check – extract – Verbatim responses:
Describe individual benefits or improvements have are experiencing and how that is impacting your performance as a Supervisor or Manager.
- I feel better in the morning handling the situations as they come up not thinking ahead too much.
- I am more comfortable in my role at work.
- I am able to be calm even under the most difficult circumstance.
- It’s a little easier to address difficult issues.
- Improved awareness of my emotions and I try to control.
- Lowered my stress.
- I always have been organized, but I think I’m blocking my time better in between clinical work.
- I’ve been doing the job of two people and still arranging to keep up on assignments.
- I’ve set some weekly goals and it gives me organization, but it is not set in stone.
- I’m able to separate jobs more easily – give time to both without frustration.
- By constantly reminding myself to apply intuitive listening so clients and staff feel cared for.
- Steady increase from 5 patients in March to 109 in August.
- Everyone is working together for the most part, work is needed on the rest of staff due to egos
- I see a lot of other employees who would benefit from this training as we approach trying to attain the Malcolm Baldridge award.
What benefits or improvements have you experienced?
Fill in the blank “I know that I have improved __________ because __________.”
Improved Relationships With Co-workers
- I know I’ve improved the working relationship with a direct report because very recently I was approached regarding an operational change I had suggested to this direct report and they had now accepted it.
- I know I’ve improved relationships with my peers at work because they are calling me not just for problems, but for advice.
- I know I’ve improved relationships with difficult employees because I remain calm and professional.
- I know I’ve improved relationships with staff because I remain neutral and less judgmental about their behavior.
- I know I’ve improved relationships with staff because I have developed more empathy.
- I know I’ve improved relationships with staff due to my better understanding of their feelings and concerns.
- I know I’ve improved relationships with co-workers due to my calmer approach and use of intuitive listening to understand them better and make sure they feel heard.
- I know I’ve improved relationships with co-workers and customers because I am seeing an increased positive attitude in them, toward me.
Improved Listening and Communication
- I know that I have improved my communication because other people are responding positively to my ideas.
- I know that I have improved my communication because I continue to practice intuitive listening most times.
- I know that I have improved my communication because I am finally being able to speak my mind without feeling guilty.
- I know that I have improved my communication because I’m paying more attention when somebody is speaking, I’m using active listening.
Reduced Fatigue, Anxiety and Stressful feelings
Reduced Frustration and Improved Emotional Self-regulation
- My stress level at work has reduced because I now go about my daily tasks with less anxiety.
- I feel increased calm and reflection in stressful situations and I’m less likely to be defensive in situations.
- I’m feeling less stress due to having increased patience with difficult situations daily.
- I’ve decreased my stress level due to using Freeze-Frame each time.
- I am feeling so much calmer.
- I’ve improved my handling of stressful situations. I do what I can and leave the rest that I cannot do today, for tomorrow. I’m not carrying the worry home with me all night and losing sleep.
Well-being, Wellness and Health
- My health has improved because I stop at a certain time and get my rest.
- My blood pressure has improved – it is now 120/72.
- I’m not taking work home so I’m getting better rest and recovery.
- My relationship with my spouse has improved due to my listening better.
- My relationship with my children has improved because I am more tolerant of them now, and less impatient and frustrated.
Post-program Surveys – Post-program surveys ask a series of questions to obtain qualitative and quantitative impact measurements. Extracts of selected post-program measurements are shown below.
Data collected 45 – 60 days post program
What individual benefits or improvements have you experienced? What are you observing about yourself, your behavior, or your interactions with others that indicates you have made progress with the goals you selected at the start of this program?
Improved Relationships With Co-workers
- At work I’m much more tolerant and patient. I’ve gotten to the point now where I remember to use the Freeze-Frame tool before certain situations and the result is that I calm down more and think things through much better.
- I’ve been practicing the Intuitive Listening technique in a very focused manner, especially in a difficult relationship. This enabled the other person to open up a bit more and communicate with me. I’m being proactive with the clinic staff, working with them to express their goals and ideas for the clinic so we can really grow.
- I’ve been much more calm. Freeze Frame is really helping me be patient. I never thought I could do this and I’m finding that I can. Also, with communication and listening, I’ve made progress. I’m not getting as aggravated as much as I used to when certain people call the office – people who seem to always be negative and difficult. I believe I’m also a bit more organized
Improved Supervisory Effectiveness
- The progress I’ve noticed so far is that I’m better in handling my stress. This is helping me handle the attitudes of others. I’m staying calm. The result is a better working environment. I’m feeling more confident. As a supervisor I feel this is very important. The Intuitive Listening and Freeze-Frame tools are helping the most with this. I’ve also had an issue with my blood pressure and now I’m controlling it much better. Also, in my management of my staff, I’ve used the technique you taught us about asking for a commitment and scheduling follow-up with the employee and this has resulted in much improvement in 2 staff members over the past 3 weeks.
- . . . there was a situation with an employee where I became upset. I remembered to use the Intuitive Listening technique and I really listened to her and repeated back what I heard. I was able to not have a serious stress response and I was able to lower my tone of voice and handle this much more professionally than I might have in the past.
- I had to counsel a problematic employee and I used the Freeze-Frame technique a few times during the meeting to help me get calmer in dealing with the situation. Using this tool before the meeting also was useful for me.
- I’m less reactive when staff are resistant or non-compliant.
Improved Listening Effectiveness
- The Intuitive Listening tool is really helping me to listen more objectively.
- I am now able to catch and transform assumptions that can cause mis-communication, so my perceptions and communication are much better.
Improved Focus and Prioritization
- The Freeze-Frame tool and the Intuitive Listening tool have really helped me to maintain calm more often during the hectic times in the clinic. We are being asked to see more patients per day and this has been a challenge for me. I’m now doing better with the increased number of appointments. I’m able to concentrate more directly on the things I need to do without being overwhelmed or stressed.
- One improvement I’ve noticed is that I’ve made progress in less procrastination.
- I’m calmer in situations where otherwise I’d be ‘losing it’. I’m using Freeze-Frame quite a bit. When appropriate, I’m asking for help more often so I don’t get so overwhelmed. Previously, I’d just not ask for help and then get overwhelmed at work.
Reduced Frustration and Stressful feelings
- I am ‘moving on’ more quickly, after frustrating or stressful events.
- I’ve been much more calm. Freeze Frame is really helping me be patient. I never thought I could do this and I’m finding that I can. I’m not getting as aggravated as much as I used to when certain people call the office – people who seem to always be negative and difficult. I believe I’m also a bit more organized.
- The Freeze-Frame tool has been helping me stop the worry cycle and get to a calm place. I’m able to stay calm and not get as frustrated as I used to during the hectic times in the clinic. My blood pressure has stayed down, and for this I am very happy.
- The Freeze-Frame tool is really helping me to reduce my anxiety. I’ve continued to reduce periods of worry and anxiety and go to a proactive behavior. I’m also doing better in reducing the times I self-criticize.
- I’ve had several doctor’s appointments lately where I used the Freeze-Frame tool to calm myself down and the result was my blood pressure went down.
Personal and Organizational Quality Assessment (POQA-r)
Pre – Post program
The POQA-r is a normed self-report assessment consisting of 85 questions designed to measure key elements of personal and organizational quality, and key factors of organizational climate. Of primary consideration are the employees’ self-management competencies (foundational Emotional Intelligence competence), which interact with the organizational climate to influence and affect individual or personal quality. This, in turn, affects Organizational Quality indicators such as employee satisfaction, engagement and work effort, which produce important organizational performance outcomes such as customer satisfaction and profitability.
Pre and Post-program scores of participant responses were compared to a reference group consisting of over 5,900 responses from a variety of Fortune 500 companies and public sector organizations representing a diverse sample according to age, gender and job level.

Sample 5d: Miami-Dade County Health Department
TB Program Directors, Managers and Supervisors
Client’s Objectives:
- Improve cross-functional effectiveness and collaboration.
- Improve resiliency and stress management skills. Learn techniques to transform negative, inefficient responses to stressful situations for more constructive outcomes. Reduce and eliminate emotionally reactive responses.
- Improve conscientiousness and accountability; improve the ability of each individual to take responsibility for personal performance.
- Improve initiative.
- Improve morale.
- Improve teamwork and cooperation; raise sensitivity to pitching in for one another and supporting one another in improving vs. criticizing and finger-pointing. Build trust.
- Improve conflict management. Managers will handle situations with other managers more often rather than involving the Director and/or Operations Manager.
- Improve communication effectiveness. Improve the quality and level of communication at meetings.
- Improve listening skills.
- Improve effectiveness in day-to-day prioritization.
- Improve effectiveness in giving and receiving performance feedback.
- Improve the ability to receive performance feedback and not consider it personal criticism.
- Learn techniques to reduce and eliminate the negative health effects of stress that employees are experiencing: sleeplessness, depression, hypertension and headaches.
- Let go of the past and what is out of present control. Focus on the present and future.
- Learn techniques to assist individuals during their personal bereavement processes.
Difficult challenges – some unique and difficult challenges were facing the TB department managers and supervisors at the time of this intervention. A number of employees were in the process of grieving the loss of loved ones who had died in sudden and violent circumstances. The grieving process is a difficult, emotionally painful and overwhelming time that can last more than 18 months for most people. It is usually marked by emotional ups and downs, low energy and lethargy, poor concentration, forgetfulness, the need for increased sleep and compromised immunity.
When this occurs it is critical for employees to feel the support of their employer and co-workers; however, when multiple employees simultaneously experience losses of this nature, the support system at work becomes extremely taxed.
A department which was already understaffed had fewer resources on hand due to employees taking days off for bereavement, and the remaining workforce was called upon to do more. The unfortunate result was even more challenge and stressful emotions for all.
The above-mentioned personal losses were experienced by employees who were at the time navigating a work environment impacted by recent management changes. An attitude of mistrust and suspicion existed with several members of the team and the employees continued to experience a climate of change and uncertainty.
When provided with the tools to move through the process at a higher level of efficiency and resiliency, they were equipped to respond to the changes in a productive manner, rather than react in ways that lower productivity.
Program Format: Level 2T – Inner Quality Management® with Team Re-genesis modules
TB Program Directors, Managers and Supervisors; n17
Creating a New Way of Working Together – during Phase 3 of the program, the team built upon the skills they had learned and applied in Phase 1 and 2 workshop sessions, individual coaching sessions and lessons learned at the Team Challenge module, and worked together to create the following:
- The team identified new Core Values for the TB department and defined each one behaviorally:
Initiative and Can-Do attitude
Flexibility to meet change
Respect and Appreciation
Teamwork, Communication, Self-motivation
Trust and Honesty
Customer Focus/Client Satisfaction/Community Focus
Maturity and Competency
- The team established five performance expectations and defined behaviors and actions that would enable clear understanding of what each “looked like” in practice:
- Communicating in a professional manner
- Accountability in every aspect of our work
- Supervisors are responsible for leading in a professional manner
- Teamwork and cooperation
- Pride in what we do
Impact – Post-program, the two TB Program Co-Directors reported that they observed:
- Increased teamwork and collaboration
- Increased communication effectiveness
- Increased expression of appreciation among and from the staff
- Increased appropriate self-direction rather than staff coming to them
- Reduced emotional reactivity
- Increased instances of supportive actions and words among team members
- Improved coping
Written and verbal reports from participants described:
- Improved teamwork and relationships
- Fewer interpersonal conflicts
- Improved listening and communication with co-workers and management
- Improved productivity
- Improved patience
- Reduction of physical stress symptoms and absences
Significant progress was made. Through the training and coaching program, the participants have built skill and learned tools to continue their movement toward higher performance.
Post-program Surveys – Post-program surveys ask a series of questions to obtain qualitative and quantitative impact measurements. Extracts of selected post-program measurements are shown below.
Data collected 45 – 60 days post program.
Post-program Qualitative Survey – extract – Verbatim responses:
What benefits or improvements have you experienced?
Fill in the blank “I know that I have improved __________ because __________.”
Improved Relationships With Co-workers
- I know that I have improved in my relationships with co-workers, due to my listening. Discussions are easier, non-combative.
- I know I have improved my relationships with my supervisor, because we now have better communication.
- I know that I have improved in my relationships with co-workers, because I’ve changed my listening techniques. I now show more understanding, appreciation and respect to my co-workers. I have a greater disposition to share workload and responsibilities.
- In this group I notice an improvement of understanding of each other.
- In this group I notice an increase of listening to each other; everyone has a voice.
- In this group I’ve noticed a decrease of negative outbursts in case management meetings.
- I know that I have improved in being more understanding of others because I notice I empathize more.
Improved Listening and Communication
- I know that I have improved my communication because I now respond to co-workers in a professional manner.
- My relationships with co-workers have improved because I am listening to them more often.
Reduced Resentfulness
- I have noticed a big change within the department, less gossip, and more team playing.
- In this group I have noticed a decrease in resentment and an increase in communication.
- I know that I have improved in planning because I’m on time more often and have less things pending in my agenda.
- One way in which my performance has improved is that I’ve reduced procrastination and set priorities.
- I know that I have improved my performance because I have learned to delegate work and get organized.
- One way in which my performance has improved is that I’m more organized, targeting and prioritizing duties and acting on these in a more timely manner.
- I have noticed a big change within the department, less gossip, and more team playing.
- I think people who have taken the course do not react to issues so quickly but take the time to think about it and react calmly and more appreciatively.
Reduced Fatigue, Reduced Anxiety and Distress
Reduced Frustration and Stressful feelings
- I know that I have improved because I am more proactive and effective.
- I know that I have improved my stress level because I notice I am more confident and helpful.
- I know that I have improved the way I handle daily stress because I’ve stopped biting my nails since June!
- I know that I have improved in being able to handle difficult situations because I have been able to get more done.
Personal and Organizational Quality Assessment (POQA-r)
Pre – Post program
The POQA-r is a normed self-report assessment consisting of 85 questions designed to measure key elements of personal and organizational quality, and key factors of organizational climate. Of primary consideration are the employees’ self-management competencies (foundational Emotional Intelligence competence), which interact with the organizational climate to influence and affect individual or personal quality. This, in turn, affects Organizational Quality indicators such as employee satisfaction, engagement and work effort, which produce important organizational performance outcomes such as customer satisfaction and profitability.
Pre and Post-program scores of participant responses were compared to a reference group consisting of over 5,900 responses from a variety of Fortune 500 companies and public sector organizations representing a diverse sample according to age, gender and job level.