
Open-enrollment workshops
We periodically offer open-enrollment programs consisting of some of the core tools and techniques taught in the internal programs delivered to our client organizations, along with a series of application coaching sessions.
Leadership Effectiveness through Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence – The Differentiating Competence in Leadership Effectiveness and Managing Change
– including the Inner Quality Management® tools
Register now for all 5 sessions of this live, in-person learning program.
Start Date: 06/09/23
Day 2: 06/15/23
Day 3: 06/29/23
Day 4: 07/18/23
Day 5: 08/09/23
Details below
Contact us to host an
open-enrollment workshop inside your organization.
Call 561-994-6455
or email
This is a live, in-person skill building emotional intelligence training program that moves beyond theory and cognitive understanding, to the learning and integration of tools for APPLIED emotional and social intelligence.
This is an opportunity for you to learn what Emotional Intelligence is and is not, along with practical tools to increase your emotional and social intelligence, internal coherence, resilience, and well-being, and for creating and sustaining higher leadership and performance effectiveness.
Who Should Attend
Executives, Leaders, Sr. Managers and Directors, Organizational Development, Human Resource and Employee Development professionals, Team Leaders, Quality Improvement Directors, Change Management Leaders, Wellness Directors and Staff desirous of learning tools to create higher degrees of effectiveness, improve leadership, and build resilience.
Emotional Competence enables leaders to:
- Act, not react
- Focus and manage well under pressure
- Lead and manage change more fluidly
- Communicate more effectively
- Sustain and model resilience and agility
- Connect with and tune into others
- Influence more effectively
- Make better decisions
- Think creatively
- Demonstrate leadership qualities and styles that increase employee engagement and build organizational capacity for peak performance
In study after study, productivity has been shown to double and even triple with the development of Emotional Intelligence.
For star performance in all jobs, in every field, emotional competence is twice as important as purely cognitive abilities. For success at the highest levels, in leadership positions, emotional competence accounts for virtually the entire advantage.
-Studies of 15 global companies and the U.S. Government reported by Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., author, Working With Emotional Intelligence.
“The aptitudes you need to succeed start with intellectual horsepower — but people need emotional competence, too, to get the full potential of their talents. The reason we don’t get people’s full potential is emotional incompetence.”
– Doug Lennick, Executive V.P. at American Express Financial Advisors, quoted in Working With Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman, Ph.D.
What is unique about this program?
- Tools – not just theory and assessment: You will learn and apply practical tools. Assessment is extremely valuable, and you will receive one; however, assessment without learning how to close any gaps is frustrating. Our program goes beyond assessment and theory and provides the “how to”.
- You meet individually with facilitator/coach: Utilizing our Individual Goals and Progress Journal you will be assisted by a coach to identify your own specific goals and objectives for what you want to achieve by applying what you learn in this program – and how to measure progress.
- Learn and apply to real world experiences: multiple workshop days enable you to learn, practice, return to your workplace and home to apply, and come back for sustainable next-level learning.
- Individualized coaching sessions: enable you to fine-tune your individualized application of what you are learning and measure your progress.
Dates & Times: this is a live, in-person multi-component program
06/09/23: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm – Module 1: Self-Awareness
06/15/23: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm – Module 2: Self-Management/Self-Regulation
06/29/23: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm – Module 3: Empathy; Understanding Others
07/18/23: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm – Module 4: Social Skills, Leadership Styles, Communication
08/09/23: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm – Module 5: continued: Managing Relationships
Introductory Only option: attend a half-day Introductory session – 06/09/23: 8:30 am – noon. See registration option below*.
Continental breakfast served at 8:00 am each day
Format and flow: interactive, experiential group workshop setting with individualized coaching intervals
Workshop Day 1 – Introduction to EI and alignment with your goals. Begin Module 1: Self-Awareness (full day)
– Individually within a week: Your personalized Goal Setting meeting with facilitator – 1 hour
Workshop Day 2 –Module 1: Self-Awareness and begin Module 2: Self-Management (full day)
Workshop Day 3 –Module 3: Empathy; Understanding Others. Effective Listening (full-day)
– Individualized application phone coaching session of 1 hour
Workshop Day 4 –Module 3: Empathy continued and begin Module 4: Social Skills/Relationship Management/Managing Emotions in Others/Leadership Styles/Communication (full-day)
– Individualized in-person application coaching session of 1 hour
Workshop Day 5 –Module 4: continued (full-day)
– Individualized application phone coaching session of 1 hour
Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI) 360° assessment (Level 2 or 3 participants)
– Individualized in-person application coaching session of 1 hour
– Individualized application phone coaching session of 1 hour (Level 3 participants)
Post-training support:
Reminder tips by email – 12 months
Additional coaching sessions are available by request
WHERE: Hosted By: Ryder Corporation headquarters Location: 11690 NW 105th Street, Miami, FL 33178
Facilitator: April Frank
Investment: Fee is based on package selection below and includes:
- All interactive in-person workshop sessions
- Individualized goal-setting session with coach and Individual Goals and Progress Journal
- 4 – 5 individualized coaching sessions (1 Hour)
- Comprehensive workbook and application worksheets
- Working With Emotional Intelligence book by Daniel Goleman, PhD
- Inner Balance Trainer™ App
- Leadership Styles Assessment
- E-mail reminder tips – 12 months
- ESCI – Emotional and Social Competence Inventory 360° assessment (registration Level 2 and 3 only)
- Continental breakfast
Level 3 – $4,295.00 All 5 workshop sessions + 5 application coaching sessions +EI 360° [ESCI] assessment and review
Level 2 – $3,695.00 All 5 workshop sessions + 4 application coaching sessions +EI 360° [ESCI] assessment and review
Level 1 – $2,995.00 All 5 workshop sessions + 4 application coaching sessions
*Introductory only option: $495.00 – Attend morning of Day 1 only. Learn what EI is and isn’t, the emotional and social intelligence competency model, why it’s important in your role, and key findings from social neuroscience. This half day session will teach what EI is and its relevance to your role; for tools training and skill-building enroll in Level 1, 2 or 3.
Discount of $100.00 per person for 3 or more from same company (Level 2, 3 only)
Discount of $100.00 per person for members of ASTD, OD Network, ASQ, SHRM, Florida Sterling (cannot be combined with other discounts) (Level 1, 2, 3 only)
click here for PDF brochure
click here for registration form
or Call: 561-994-6455 or email
or FAX: 561-892-5933
Payment via: VISA, MC, AMEX, Check (make payable to Innovative Edge, Inc.)
Registration Deadline: 05/19/23 *** Extended to 5/25/23
Register now: This program will fill up quickly. Attendance is limited to 18 people, so everyone will have an opportunity to fully experience the program components, learn the science behind the techniques, learn how this has benefited other organizations, and receive individualized coaching.
ESCI is a trademark of Hay Group, Inc./Korn Ferry. Inner Quality Management is a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath.
June 2024
32nd Annual Florida Sterling Conference
Presented by the Florida Sterling Council May 29 – 31, 2024 – Orlando, FL
May 31: 9:45 am – 11:15 am – Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Factor in Leadership Effectiveness
- Understand what Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence is and is not
- Discuss 5 core EI competencies and their importance for leadership effectiveness
- Understand the role of EI competence in resilience and navigating, leading and managing change
- Review findings from neuroscience on emotions and their impact on perception, brain function, focus and behavior, and the implications for sustaining interpersonal and leadership effectiveness
- Examine a recent leadership or work-related situation and explore the degree to which your use of EI was present, and potential improvement opportunities. Gain clarity about what would have enabled a more effective outcome
- Receive 2 or 3 reminder/reference tools that support development of the foundational EI competency of Self-awareness
Location: Hyatt Regency, Orlando, FL
To Register & for more information on the Sterling Conference –
Call: 850-922-5316 or
September 2023
Global Institute for Organizational Development Network (GIODN)
September 6 – Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Competence in Leadership Effectiveness
An overview presentation. On-line only
- Understand what Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence is and is not
- Discuss 5 core EI competencies and their importance for leadership effectiveness
- Understand the role of EI competence in resilience and navigating, leading and managing change
- Review findings from neuroscience on emotions and their impact on perception, brain function, focus and behavior, and the implications for sustaining interpersonal and leadership effectiveness
- Examine a recent leadership or work-related situation and explore the degree to which your use of EI was present, and potential improvement opportunities. Gain clarity about what would have enabled a more effective outcome
Location: online
September 6, 2023 – 11:00 – 12:15 PM ET
To register:
June 2023
31st Annual Florida Sterling Conference
Presented by the Florida Sterling Council May 31 – June 3, 2022 – Orlando, FL
June 2 – Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Factor in Leadership Effectiveness
- Understand what Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence is and is not
- Discuss 5 core EI competencies and their importance for leadership effectiveness
- Understand the role of EI competence in resilience and navigating, leading and managing change
- Review findings from neuroscience on emotions and their impact on perception, brain function, focus and behavior, and the implications for sustaining interpersonal and leadership effectiveness
- Examine a recent leadership or work-related situation and explore the degree to which your use of EI was present, and potential improvement opportunities. Gain clarity about what would have enabled a more effective outcome
- Receive 2 or 3 reminder/reference tools that support development of the foundational EI competency of Self-awareness
Location: Hyatt Regency, Orlando, FL
To Register & for more information on the Sterling Conference –
Call: 850-922-5316 or
ASQ (American Society for Quality) Monthly Chapter Meeting
Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Factor in Performance Excellence and Comprehensive Quality
November 15, 2022 Networking and registration: 5:30. Meeting begins at 6:00 pm, dinner at 6:30 and this presentation at 7:30
Location: Tropical Acres Steakhouse at 2500 Griffin Rd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Why do smart people fail?
Have you known of highly competent, experienced, well-educated individuals who fail to reach expected or desired outcomes? They’re unable to get things done through others? Unable to lead and influence others effectively? Yet they are described as very smart and highly competent?
New and compelling research in neuroscience provides greater insight into how our brains operate and affect decision making, behavior, relationships with others, and performance. Studies have proven that business performance is critically dependent upon the individual’s ability to successfully manage themselves, their behavior and their relationships.
In study after study, productivity has been shown to double and even triple with the development of Emotional Intelligence. For star performers in all jobs, in every field, emotional competence is twice as important as purely cognitive abilities. For success at the highest levels, in leadership positions, emotional competence accounts for virtually the entire advantage. (Source: studies of 15 global companies and the U.S. Govt., reported by Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., best-selling author, Emotional Intelligence – Why It Can Matter More than IQ.)
- Emotional Intelligence is found to be twice as important as any other factor in predicting outstanding employee performance, accounting for more than 85% of star performance in top leaders.
- Emotional Intelligence has a major impact on organizational performance, doubling and even tripling productivity, and greatly improving bottom line results.
- Emotional Intelligence can be developed and enhanced through assessment, behavioral training and coaching.
- Understand what Emotional Intelligence is and is not and its relevance to your role
- Discuss 5 core EI competencies and their importance
- Understand the role of EI competence in performance, productivity, leadership, resilience and navigating, leading and managing change
- Review findings from neuroscience on emotions and their impact on perception, brain function, focus and behavior, and the implications for sustaining interpersonal and leadership effectiveness
To Register:
Click here to view video of this presentation:
June 2022
30th Annual Florida Sterling Conference
Presented by the Florida Sterling Council May 31 – June 3, 2022 – Orlando, FL
June 3 – Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Factor in Leadership Effectiveness
- Understand what Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence is and is not
- Discuss 5 core EI competencies and their importance for leadership effectiveness
- Understand the role of EI competence in resilience and navigating, leading and managing change
- Review findings from neuroscience on emotions and their impact on perception, brain function, focus and behavior, and the implications for sustaining interpersonal and leadership effectiveness
- Examine a recent leadership or work-related situation and explore the degree to which your use of EI was present, and potential improvement opportunities. Gain clarity about what would have enabled a more effective outcome
- Receive 2 or 3 reminder/reference tools that support development of the foundational EI competency of Self-awareness
Location: Gaylord Palms Resort Hotel & Convention Center, Orlando, FL
To Register & for more information on the Sterling Conference – Call: 850-922-5316 or
May 2019
27th Annual Florida Sterling Conference – The Epicenter of Excellence
Presented by the Florida Sterling Council May 28 – 31, 2019 – Orlando, FL
May 30 – Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Factor in Leadership Effectiveness
- Understand what emotional intelligence is and is not
- Understand the role of El competence in managing change
- Examine some of the latest findings on emotions and their impact on perception and brain function, and the implications for sustaining leadership effectiveness and employee engagement.
- Discuss five core El competencies and their importance in leadership effectiveness and the difference between emotional intelligence and the behavior of emotional competence
- Complete an exercise to examine elements of a recent individual challenge you have experienced in your role as a leader or manager, and gain clarity about what would have enabled a more effective outcome.
Location: JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes Resort & Conference Center.
To Register & for more information on the Sterling Conference – Call: 850-922-5316 or
June 2018
26th Annual Florida Sterling Conference – Shine Stronger
Presented by the Florida Sterling Council May 29 – June 1, 2018 – Orlando, FL
June 1 – Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Factor in Leadership Effectiveness
- Understand what emotional intelligence is and is not
- Understand the role of EI competence in managing change
- Examine some of the latest findings on emotions and their impact on perception and brain function, and the implications for sustaining leadership effectiveness and employee engagement.
- Discuss five core EI competencies and their importance in leadership effectiveness and the difference between emotional intelligence and the behavior of emotional competence
- Complete an exercise to examine elements of a recent individual challenge you have experienced in your role as a leader or manager, and gain clarity about what would have enabled a more effective outcome.
Location: JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes Resort & Conference Center.
To Register & for more information on the Sterling Conference – Call: 850-922-5316 or pdf/2014/2014ConferenceFlyer.pdf
June 2017
25th Annual Florida Sterling Conference – 25 Years of Business Excellence
Presented by the Florida Sterling Council May 30 – June 2, 2017 – Orlando, FL
June 2 – Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Factor in Leadership Effectiveness
May 2014
22nd Annual Florida Sterling Conference – How Deep is Your Bench?
Presented by the Florida Sterling Council May 27 – 30, 2014 – Orlando, FL
May 30 – Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Competence in Leadership Performance Excellence
May 2013
21st Annual Florida Sterling Conference – “The Next Generation Breakthrough Performance”
Presented by the Florida Sterling Council May 28 – 31, 2013 – Orlando, FL
May 30 – Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Competence in Leadership Performance Excellence
July 9, 2013 ASTD Monthly Chapter Meeting
ASTD American Society of Training and Development
Location: Nova Southeastern University, H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business
Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Competence in Leadership Performance Excellence
- Understand what emotional intelligence is and is not
- Understand the role of EI competence in leading and managing change
- Examine some of the latest findings on emotions (stressful and non-stressful) and their impact on perception, brain function, emotional intelligence and health. Review some of the findings from neuroscience on perception and brain function and the implications for individual performance.
- Discuss five core competencies in emotional intelligence and identify their essential role in effective leadership and performance.
- Discuss how EI competencies impact productivity, communication, organizational climate, teamwork, customer satisfaction, retention and health.
May – June 2011
19th Annual Florida Sterling Conference – “Destination Success”
Presented by the Florida Sterling Council May 31 – June 3, 2011 – Orlando, FL
June 3 – Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating Competence in Leadership Performance Excellence