Business Acquisition Integration
Post-Acquisition Integration

Business Acquisition Integration
Post-Acquisition Integration


Business Acquisition Integration
Post-Acquisition Integration

Our experts help you integrate acquired and acquiring businesses together, using a process known as Post Merger Integration (PMI).  Understanding and accommodating that every business is unique, as are the challenges they will face during an integration, our experts prepare your staff within your business to integrate an acquired small or mid-size businesses through a discreet and empowering setup.

Our specialists invented the SSIM™, the Small business Simple Integration Method, to guide business leadership through the steps of acquisition integration, in a straightforward and powerful manner.

Our specialists help you leverage the expertise that is already within your organization, during Due Diligence, before the small business acquisition, through the Day 1 announcement, the first 100 days of integration execution, and beyond.

Services we provide:

  • Integration Readiness
  • ◦ Validate and improve your existing processes and tools with this short assessment

  • Integration Setup
    ◦ Turn the reasons for acquiring the business into succinct Integration Objectives for the whole business to focus upon
    ◦ Decide how you will integrate the business and sequence the work, for example a 100% absorption or some level of partial integration, perhaps based upon departments
    ◦ Identify what the workstreams will be, for example organizing by departments, verticals, regions, or a hybrid approach
    ◦ Develop the high-level project activities and their priorities
    ◦ Prepare for, and deliver, the large number of Day 1 activities on the announcement day
  • Integration Support
  • ◦ Launch the integration projects, develop the detailed tasks and the accountability for delivery
    ◦ Track tasks and report progress, issues and successes to leadership
    ◦ Help managers with their assigned projects
    ◦ Adjust projects when unforeseen issues arise

  • Interim Management
  • ◦ Bring in experienced, adaptable, supportive resources that will keep your business moving during this transitional period
    ◦ Typical assignments: Program or Project Management, Communications, Proposal Management, Sales Support, Pitch Preparation, and Training Content Creation Management

Learn how to integrate an acquired business through our Integration Training

    • On Demand eLearning empowers the acquirers of small businesses to learn how to integrate their smaller acquisitions themselves
      ◦ offers short, focused topics that guide you and your staff through integrating your acquired business
    • For intensive and in-depth learning, we offer classroom, comprehensive full-length In-Person training course Managing Integrations – (3 days in length)
      ◦ This course will take the learner through the entire acquisition integration process, from deriving the reasons for acquiring, to project development and monitoring and delivering the integration tasks

◦ The target audience are those who will be included in the Integration Management Office (IMO), Steering Committee, Workstreams, Onboarding or Communication teams
◦ Having completed this course, you will be able to set up and manage, or participate in, the integration of an acquired small or mid-size business
◦ Attendees will be given access to the online version of the same course for 12 months after the training course has been completed

Our experts guide you through implementation of these concepts to transform your company by increasing productivity, eliminating waste, and reducing defects, enabling you to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Presentations (2 hours in length)

  • Getting Off the Ground with an Acquisition Integration
  • Different Ways to Integrate a Business
  • The Temporary Organization that will Merge two Businesses Together
  • Integration Objectives: your Starting Point to a Successful Acquisition Integration
  • Staff Retention after an Acquisition
  • Onboarding Acquired Staff
  • Preparing for the Announcement of an Acquisition
  • Communication During Acquisition Integrations
  • Creating and Running the Projects that Merge Businesses Together


SSIM, the Small business Simple Integration Method is a trademark of Intista.