Partners & Alliances
Partners & Alliances

As part of our vision to be the trusted and recommended resource for organizations seeking practical, performance-enhancing services to build and maintain high-functioning environments, we strategically partner with and have alliances with these consultants and service providers.

Phil Centonze, works with companies across all sectors and industries in manufacturing, government, service, and not-for-profits to build teams, improve competitiveness, profitability, and the way they do business. As the Founder of POS-IMPACT he teaches and implements best business practices to teams of managers and employees of companies of all sizes. He has over 25 years of experience advising and guiding company senior leaders in organizational performance improvement through Florida Sterling/Baldridge-based evaluation, strategic planning, lean and Six Sigma process management, and team building. Phil has a BS degree in engineering from the U. S. Coast Guard Academy, and an MBA from Florida International University in Miami. Phil leads the Florida Sterling Council Panel of Judges and is a past 17-year Master Examiner, as well as a Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and a Certified Quality Auditor (CQA).

Steve Nunn, Nunn Better Consulting, specializes in small and mid-size acquisition integrations ($5M to $2B deals, or 30 to 1000 staff) being acquired by much larger businesses. He has extensive cross-border experience, having worked in more than 20 countries throughout his career. Steve is a specialist in integrating acquiring and acquired small and mid-businesses together, in a process known as Post Merger Integration (PMI). Nunn Better Consulting uses their proprietary SSIM™ (Small business Simple Integration Method) to guide and support companies through the phases of acquisition integration, in a straightforward and powerful manner. They understand and accommodate that every business is unique, as are the challenges they will face during an integration.

Innovative Edge is accredited by The Hay Group (now Korn Ferry) to administer competency assessments including the Emotional and Social Competency Inventory.For over 60 years, The Hay Group was renowned for the quality of their research and the intellectual rigor of their work, transforming research into actionable insights. Hay Group tools help managers explore their strengths and weaknesses: drawing on the work of behavior and emotional intelligence pioneers David McClelland, Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis, and their own research data, to help leaders benchmark themselves against the best performers in their industries. Knowing what makes the best companies tick: since 1997, Hay Group partnered with Fortune magazine to identify the publication’s list of the ‘World’s Most Admired Companies’. They know how the best leaders are developed and they work with Business Week magazine to identify which global organizations develop the best leaders.
- They built the richest and most comprehensive database of organizational management information in the world, enabling clients to benchmark themselves against the best performers in their industries. Their research can predict with a high level of accuracy how leadership behavior will affect performance: and recommend changes that can boost performance by up to 30%.
- Since the late 1960s Hay Group collected 6 million individual leadership assessments of nearly 552,000 individuals, including 52,000 executives, from over 4,900 organizations.
- They help clients to assess, select and develop hundreds of thousands of managers and executives through the breakthrough insights and services of their McClelland Center for Research and Innovation.
Acquired by Korn Ferry – On December 1, 2015, Korn Ferry announced that it had completed the acquisition of global human resources consultancy Hay Group. This enabled Korn Ferry to diversify its revenue stream and offer solutions across the entire talent lifecycle.
Learn more about Korn Ferry assessments that we administer
Learn more about Korn Ferry
The Institute of HeartMath
Innovative Edge is certified and licensed by The Institute of HeartMath and is a Master HeartMath provider.
The Institute of HeartMath is an internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions and build energy and resilience. A leading authority on stress and the physiology of emotions, its research has benefited the scientific community and general public for nearly three decades.
HeartMath products, tools and techniques are based on over 25 years of scientific research conducted at the HeartMath Institute on the psychophysiology of stress, emotions, and the interactions between the heart and brain. There are over 300 peer-reviewed or independent studies utilizing HeartMath techniques or technologies to achieve beneficial outcomes that have been published.
- HeartMath’s approach goes beyond traditional methods of stress reduction. Their studies have demonstrated the critical link between emotions, the rhythms of the heart and brain function. At the core of its research is the discovery that the heart’s electrical system is closely linked with thoughts and emotions, and can play a key role in reducing stress and creating more coherent thought processing, enhancing the effectiveness and quality at work and in personal lives. A key breakthrough was to create practical tools to help people intentionally control this intricate system to help create physiological coherence and regulate hormonal balance, immune response and create sharper intelligence within the human system. These insights have been integrated into the design of scientifically-validated tools which assist people to improve cognitive performance, health, organizational effectiveness – with sustainable results.
- Organizational programs featuring HeartMath tools have resulted in dramatic improvements in the health and performance of executives, staff retention and customer satisfaction, as well as personal benefits to employee health, well-being, resilience and learning. HeartMath’s emWave® and Inner Balance® are used by hundreds of thousands of individuals to reduce stress and improve health, learning and focus. HeartMath’s corporate clients include Shell, Hewlett-Packard, Liz Claiborne, Cisco Systems, BP, Boeing, Sony, BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit), Unilever, numerous hospitals, schools, and all four branches of the US military.
- HeartMath’s research has been published in a number of scientific peer-reviewed journals including American Journal of Cardiology, Stress Medicine, Preventive Cardiology, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science and Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. The success of HeartMath in creating both personal health and organizational outcomes has been published in Harvard Business Review, Journal of Innovative Management, Stress Medicine, and Journal of Advancement in Medicine.
- HeartMath’s tools and technologies have been featured in hundreds of media placements including CNN, ABC World News Tonight, NBC’s Today Show, Good Morning America, and the Lifetime Network. The HeartMath techniques have also been acclaimed in Business 2.0, Training Magazine, The New York Times, Industry Week, The Wall Street Journal, HP World and Entrepreneur Magazine.
Learn more about the Institute of HeartMath’s research

The Grove offers services and tools to help organizations, teams, and individuals successfully envision and implement change. Founded in 1977 by Grove president and organizational consultant David Sibbet, The Grove has helped a range of clients, from Fortune 500 businesses to nonprofit organizations, meet a diverse set of organizational challenges and achieve their goals.
The Grove products use visualization to guide change and transformation through the use of Graphic Guides® templates and other highly customizable tools and processes to generate dialogue, create alignment, articulate a vision, and catalyze action. High-impact graphic tools help clients see the big picture and move toward their desired future.
The Grove has been recognized by the Organizational Development Network, an international association of organization-development practitioners, for their innovative work in this field and was winner of the 2007 OD Network’s Members’ Choice Award.
Learn more about Grove products HERE
Innovative Edge, Inc. is a member of the following organizations:
The South Florida Organization Development Network (S.FL. ODN) is a professional development organization for Organizational Development Professionals learning and practicing in the field of OD. The Organization Development Network (OD Network) is a vital learning community that develops, supports and inspires practitioners and enhances the body of knowledge in human organization and systems development. The OD Network leads the Organization Development field and its practitioners in creating effective and healthy human systems in an inclusive world community.
Learn more about SFLODN HERE
Institute of Organization Development (IOD) is a Florida based USA Corporation dedicated to promoting the field of Organization Development and the professional growth of OD professionals.
Learn more about IOD HERE
SHRM – Society for Human Resource Management
Human Resource Association of Palm Beach County
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest association devoted to human resource management. Representing more than 250,000 members in over 140 countries, the Society serves the needs of HR professionals and advances the interests of the HR profession. SHRM provides resources, global best practices and a network of valuable contacts to more than 5,000 members in over 140 countries, in addition to U.S.-based HR professionals involved in global HR. Founded in 1948, SHRM has more than 575 affiliated chapters within the United States and subsidiary offices in China and India.
ATD – Association for Talent Development
South Florida Chapter of ATD
ATD (Association for Talent Development) is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals. ATD’s members come from more than 120 countries and connect locally in more than 128 U.S. chapters and with more than 20 international partners. Members work in thousands of organizations of all sizes, in government, as independent consultants, and suppliers. Started in 1943, in recent years ATD has widened the profession’s focus to link learning and performance to individual and organizational results, and is a sought-after voice on critical public policy issues.
ATD provides resources for learning and performance professionals, educators, and students—research, analysis, benchmarking, online information, books, and other publications. ATD recognizes excellence and sets the standard for best practices in learning and performance.