Strong-functioning Leadership team of President, Vice Presidents and direct-report team of Directors with goals to maximize, strengthen and sustain leadership effectiveness. Also to equip leadership to build capacity within their teams, increase engagement and influence cultural change for higher performance in a rapidly evolving and changing industry market.
Client’s Objectives:
- Strengthen Leadership Team effectiveness
- Improve quality of connection of leaders with their direct reports and extended teams to demonstrate leadership that creates more resonance, engagement, fosters employee development and strengthens a culture of pursuing performance excellence.
- Improve leaders’ ability to more effectively manage performance of direct report teams that is aligned with strategic initiatives, including:
-clear communication of expectations and goals
-provide consistent and effective development coaching, mentoring
-provide more consistent and effective performance feedback - Improve effectiveness of communication and relationships cross-functionally, at peer-level and across the organization.
- Improve unification and cohesiveness of the Leadership Team with shared leadership responsibility and more collaboration for a “one team” dynamic.
- Improve and/or establish these qualities as norms within the team:
-Trust, Transparency, Openness, Holding one another accountable, Challenging one another in productive ways, Communication that is purposeful and authentic - Improve resiliency and self-regulation in an environment of growth and change
Program Format: Level 4T – Leadership Team Effectiveness with Emotional Intelligence Competence
President, Vice Presidents and Directors; n23
Impact – Overall measurably positive results on multiple individual and team behavioral and performance measures.
Sponsoring President described observable positive improvements in leadership team functioning and improved behavioral effectiveness in individual team members. Written and verbal reports from team members themselves describe their individual improvements and state they have observed specific behavioral improvements in in their direct leaders and team mates.
Post-program Surveys – Post-program surveys ask a series of questions to obtain qualitative and quantitative impact measurements. Extracts of selected post-program measurements are shown below.
Data collected 45 – 60 days post program
Success in achieving individual development goals
- In written journal progress check entries 100% of participants recorded that they have “made progress” or “reached goal” for at least 85% of their goals.
- 78% of participants (18 of 23) selected “Very satisfied” to answer the survey question How satisfied are you with the progress you’ve personally made toward your goals selected for this program?
- 100% of participants selected Agree/Strongly Agree in response to the survey statement: I have become more effective in the EI skills I identified for development.
Improvements in working relationships and leadership
- 100% of participants (23 of 23) selected Agree/Strongly Agree in response to the survey statement: I have observed an improvement in working relationships as a result of application of the EI skills learned in this program.
- 87% of participants (20 of 23) selected Agree/Strongly Agree in response to the survey statement: I have a better understanding of others as a result of this program.
- In written journal progress check entries 90% of participants reported improved relationships with co-workers and their own staff. More than 40% of participants report they have received feedback from direct reports that they are listening better.
- In written journal progress check entries 64% of the Directors group (7 of 11) describe observable improvements in Sr. Leadership Team effectiveness.
- 74% of participants (17 of 23) selected goals for improving effectiveness in coaching and developing direct reports; improving effectiveness in providing performance feed-back; 71% (12) of those participants recorded they have “made progress” or “reached goal.” 48% (11 of 23) report increased focus on time invested in direct report development.
- 87% (20) reported that they have observed specific behavioral improvements in their team members and fellow participants.
Feeling heard and understood by leadership
- A sustained number of people responded Yes to the question Do you feel your ideas, thoughts, and perspectives are fully heard and understood by your direct leader?
Feeling one’s work is appreciated by leadership
- A sustained number of people responded Yes to the question Do you feel that what you do is appreciated by your direct leader? 95% Pre and Post (21 of 22) with an increase in “always” responses among the Sr. Leadership Team members and a decrease in “always” responses among the Directors group.
Productivity, strategic understanding, goal clarity, performance improvements
- Improved decision-making effectiveness, prioritization and focus were reported by 44% of participants (10 of 23) during individual coaching sessions and in written journal progress entries.
- A 10% statistically significant increase in Strategic Understanding and a 7% statistically significant increase in Confidence in the Organization, and a 7% increase in Goal Clarity were reflected in the Personal & Organizational Quality Assessment for the Leadership Team, moving the scores from “good/above average” to the “commendable/substantially above average” quartile
- Specific examples have been described of improved cross-functional relationships and collaboration.
- 100% of participants selected Agree in response to the survey statement: Applying the tools I learned will improve my effectiveness at work.
Stress reduction, health and wellness improvements, personal life benefit
- A 35% statistically significant reduction in overall felt stress level and a 7% reduction in physical stress symptoms were reflected in the Personal and Organizational Quality Assessment scores. The POQA scores also reflect a 13% statistically significant reduction in the Anxiety scale, a 21% statistically significant reduction in the Depression scale, and a 13% reduction in Fatigue. There are verbal and written statements from some participants that they have experienced a reduction of physical stress symptoms including improved sleep, reduced blood pressure, less muscle tension and headaches.
- 100% of participants selected Agree in response to the survey statement: Applying the tools I learned will improve my personal life. In written journal updates 83% of participants (19 of 23) record improved communication and relationships with children, spouses and other family members.
Morale across the organization
- There was a 22% statistically significant improvement in the scores for Morale Issues.
- There was a 17% increase in the number of people responding “No” to the question Do you believe low morale exists within the organization overall? From 78% (18 of 23) to 91% (21 of 23).
- When rating morale on a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being extremely low morale and 10 being extremely high morale, there was a 50% increase in the number of responses in the “extremely high morale” scoring range of 8 to 10; from 35% to 52%, and a 6% increase in mean score from 6.96 to 7.35.
Morale within departments
- There was a 29% increase in the number of people responding “No” to the question Do you believe low morale exists within the division or functional department you work in? From 74% Pre (17 of 23) to 96% Post (22 of 23).
- When rating morale on a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being extremely low morale and 10 being extremely high morale, there was a 8% increase in the number of responses in the “extremely high morale” scoring range of 8 to 10; from 57% to 61%, and a 2% increase in mean score from 7.35 to 7.52.
Working relationships/Cross-functional relationships
- When asked to describe an ROI to the department or company for this development program or improvements to functional performance, 75% identified improvements in collaboration and cohesiveness in working relationships, cross-functional relationships, trust, decision-making and communication for a more unified team.
Communication effectiveness
- There was a 7% improvement in average standardized score for Communication Effectiveness measured on the POQA assessment moving the score higher within the “good/above average” quartile.
- When asked to describe improvements in the functioning or performance of the leadership group or an ROI to the department, 75% (17 of 23) describe improvements in communication effectiveness, improved listening, including listening to differing viewpoints, increased cross-functional communication, more direct and useful feedback, more openness and transparency, reduced instances of not addressing issues; influencing improved decision-making and problem resolution.
Freedom of expression
- The Sr. Leadership Team responses reflect an 8% statistically significant improvement in the average standardized score for Freedom of Expression measured on the POQA assessment, moving the score from “good/above average” into the “substantially above average” quartile.
Impact for the Leadership Team of President and Vice Presidents
In addition to the improvements listed above, there were improvements reported specifically for the Leadership Team:
- Functional Effectiveness of Leadership Team: In written surveys 91% of LT members (11 of 12) describe observable improvements in Leadership Team functioning, including improved collaboration, increased trust, improved communication, better listening and understanding of one another, more openness to differing viewpoints, more productive meetings and more informed decisions.
- Teamwork Effectiveness within Leadership Team: When rating teamwork within the LT on a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being extremely poor and 10 being extremely effective, there was a sustained number of responses from LT members in the “extremely effective” scoring range of 8 to 10 (42%), with an increased score value; and a 5% increase in mean score from 7.17 to 7.50.
- Operating as a team: 100% of LT members (12 of 12) responded Yes to the question “Does the Leadership Team operate as a team?”, a 20% increase. 91% of direct reports of the LT responded “Yes”, a 25% increase.
- Improvements in 21 of 26 measures on Pulse Survey
- Communication Effectiveness within Leadership Team: When rating communication effectiveness within the LT on a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being extremely poor communication and 10 being extremely effective communication, Leadership Team member responses reflect a sustained number of responses in the “extremely effective communication” scoring range of 8 to 10; from 58% to 58%, and a 3% increase in mean score from 7.42 to 7.67.
- Communication Effectiveness from Leadership Team: When rating communication effectiveness from the LT on a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being extremely poor communication and 10 being extremely effective communication, there was a 40% increase in the number of responses in the “very effective communication” scoring range of 8 to 10, from 44% to 61% and a 4% increase in mean score from 7.09 to 7.39. Leadership Team members’ ratings reflect an 80% increase in the scoring range of 8 to 10, from 42% to 75% and a 12% increase in mean score from 6.83 to 7.67.
- Communication from Direct Leader: 82% of LT members (9 of 11) rated the quality of communication effectiveness from their direct leader in the top of scale scoring range, an increase of 50%.
- Coaching Quality and Effectiveness from Direct Leader: 81% of LT members (9 of 11) rated the effectiveness of coaching from their direct leader as “improved/become more effective” or that they “were/are satisfied.”
- Goals from President for the Leadership Team: using measures outlined for each goal there was a sustained evaluation of increased frequency and consistency for all goals from the first progress check to the second one five months later.
Post-program Pulse Survey of Leadership Team
The Leadership Team scored itself on 26 measures that were identified for strengthening pre-program, using a 10-point scale. Pre-program scores reflected perceived strong performance in most measures (scoring 7.0 or higher), with opportunities for improvement on a handful of measures where pre-program scores were below optimal for a leadership team. The team’s post-program scores reflect observed improvement on 22 of 26 measures, with all scores in the most desirable range of 7.0 or higher, shown below. Note: items 23 – 26 are reverse items with scores below 5.5 being most desirable.

Post-program Qualitative Survey of Leadership Team – extract
Verbatim responses:
Do you believe the Leadership team operates as a team?
Yes | No | |
PRE | 78% | 22% |
POST | 98% | 2% |
Regarding communication effectiveness within the Leadership Team, describe what you believe has improved:
- More open communication and inclusion of all opinions, thoughts
- Trust, clarity, honesty; less withholding
- Addressing issues when occurring rather than leaving open
- Better understanding
- More team cohesion; sharing
- Less assumptions
- More frequent and meaningful communication
- Improved levels of communication w/leveraging of EI tools; more openness within group
- Use of EI tools
- More cohesive message
- More comprehensive understanding of our business as a whole
Regarding communication effectiveness from the Leadership Team, describe what you believe has improved:
- Increased level of communication; more frequent, timely and relevant updates with consistent message
- Clarity and trust
- Effort to communicate
- Has Improved (Other Leaders’ Responses)
- Better listening
- More engaged communication with all levels of team members
- Greater consistency of message
- More planned meetings with extended team
- More effort to make appreciative comments
What individual benefits or improvements have you experienced? What are you observing about yourself, your behavior, or your interactions with others that indicates you have made progress with the goals you selected at the start of this program?
Improved Communication
Leadership & Relationships
- What I’m noticing so far is progress on two of my foundational goals which are #8 (Increase patience; reduced feelings of irritation/ impatience) and #2 (Improved awareness of my emotions & their affect on others). Impatience can lead me to jump ahead, interrupt, not listen as well as I should – really not being fully present. One example, using Intuitive Listening – has helped a lot and I’ve gotten feedback from direct reports that I am remaining calm and not interjecting as often. For my goal #37 (Improve my ability to listen effectively) this is helping and just an hour ago I got feedback: a manager thanked me for listening and being attentive. Using these tools allows me to further foster relationships with people so they open up. We’re talking about raising expectations in leadership, and by being more open and vulnerable myself reflects this. Another example, recently I used Quick Coherence in a challenging conversation with my direct leader, dealing with performance review calibrations and related conversations– enabled me to get much more objective and gave me a true reflection across the enterprise, the broader stakeholders and effects on direct reports.
Leadership & Relationships
- I’m noticing more effectiveness in goals #1 (Improved awareness and understanding of my emotions & effects for me and/or on my performance), #7 (Improve control of my reactions to specific triggers) and #40 (Improve my ability to communicate effectively when I am upset or feeling uncomfortable emotions) and #39 (Improve my ability to listen effectively to the viewpoints of others with whom I may disagree, or, when someone is upset). Two recent examples: This morning in a meeting with inside and outside counsel. Due to the issue being discussed, in the past I would have walked in with negative expectations and thought “here we go again”. But previous to the meeting I had done the assignment to use the written worksheet for Freeze-Frame and I applied it to this. What I realized is our lawyer is trying to protect us and he needs support and recognition for that. I was able to recognize he has good, well-intended reasons. Another example is a situation where I had good people on my team working on a project and we were moving ahead. But at the last minute my team came back with some issues that they had not thought through. I had set an expectation with upper management for delivery. In the past I would have felt my blood pressure go up, expressed disappointment and spent time being visibly pissed off. Instead, I used Freeze-Frame to take a pause and so my useless reactions didn’t happen.
Authentic Peer Communication
Mutual use of EI tools
- One of the goals I’ve been working on is #35 (Empathy; Improve my understanding of others, their feelings, concerns and their needs) and I’ve had a challenging situation with a peer that I needed to deal with. Since we’re in the EI class together I hoped we could both use the tools. I applied empathy to prepare for the meeting and used Intuitive Listening and some of the Protocols for Skillful Discussion to make my thinking and reasoning more visible and to fairly and objectively inquire to understand their point of view. We had a very forthright and authentic discussion. In the past I would have put it off and tried to avoid approaching this person.
Improved Responses
Improved Direct Report Engagement
- Quick Coherence and Neutral are helping me with goals #7 (Improve control of my reactions to specific triggers) and #12 (Improve my ability to demonstrate a behavior style that is approachable and engenders trust). Last week in a meeting preparing for a presentation, we had all come to agreement. I asked a question and someone got defensive and went on and on. Normally I’d feel like I had to get my point across. I did QC and asked myself “what am I trying to accomplish here?” and realized I could reel myself in and not press my point. I don’t always have to get my point. For goal #12 I’m also starting to have more interactions with non-direct reports and using Intuitive listening to really listen when I’m with them. I’m hearing more about issues of concern to them and how this affects our customers as well and I was then able to facilitate action that involved collaborating with another Director. In those interactions I found balancing inquiry with advocacy helped me tremendously because in the past I would be mostly in advocacy. Now I am more conscious of weighing out whether what I have to say is going to be of value vs. just speaking to “be right” or be heard. Also I’ve shared openly with my team and those direct reports what I’m trying to do better at. Now, I’m really focusing more on how this impacts goal #50 (Improve my effectiveness in giving feedback and/or coaching to employees) – the Leading with Resonance worksheet and development planning worksheets have been very helpful because I’m also working w/my direct reports to set specific goals.
Reduced procrastination in providing performance reviews
- The two examples I’ll share with you relate to my goals #7 (Improve control of my reactions to specific triggers) and #50 (Improve my effectiveness in giving feedback and/or coaching to employees). People don’t see me “react” in that I don’t explode and raise my voice, etc. Instead I have reactions of anxiety and at times become paralyzed. For example, doing direct report reviews – just thinking about them is anxiety producing and I become paralyzed and put them off. Since our last session, I used Neutral and Quick Coherence which enabled me to shift out of overcare and get them done. I got the review written and then moved to thinking about how to best handle the communication with a difficult direct report. Had to do some tough performance reviews and by using the written worksheet to prepare and the other tools during, I didn’t have as much anxiety. I asked myself “am I putting too much emotional significance” and that helped too. Using Intuitive Listening during the review further added to me keeping my focus in the most effective place so I was not so focused on my own discomfort and more focused on the needs and experience of the direct reports. It left me feeling a bit more in control of my emotions.
Improved Self-Awareness and Empathy in motivating direct reports
- One of my main goals for this program is to more effectively develop and build my team to improve performance. When I started the EI program my world was very black and white. As I got into the program I saw the “grays” of emotional intelligence, empathy, how others might perceive differently, etc. There’s a fine line between something being the “right way” and “my way”. I’ve learned there are no “nevers” or” always”. I used to have a disconnect with direct reports that I had to “push along” vs. those that are driven. What I see more clearly now is that I have to adapt my approach for those with whom I felt the disconnect, that only through empathy will I be able to truly understand what motivates them, and how I can best develop them. Sometimes the challenge for me is with direct reports who think they’re ready for more responsibility that they really are; now I step back and assess how much of this is related to my approaches in coaching and developing them.
Improved Mental Clarity
Improved Direct Report Engagement
- Focusing on my goal #13 at work (Improved mental clarity, focus or concentration under pressure) and #8 at home (Increase patience; reduced feelings of irritation/ impatience). I feel like I’m using Freeze-Frame constantly. A recent example: I was going to provide an annual review to a direct report and it wasn’t going to be a good one. I wanted to not get anxious and provide the news, yet show him I want to support his success. I used Freeze-Frame before the meeting to get myself in the best frame of mind, then during the meeting FF enabled me to slow down my thinking and expand what I was saying so I provided context and examples. I was conscious of listening with more empathy. With my direct reports and with others I am aware of listening and restating before solutioning. I hear others talking about their use of Balancing Advocacy with Inquiry in order to use more Inquiry, but in my case I am aware of the need to use advocacy more in some situations where I need to be more comfortable expressing my opinion. At home, using Quick Coherence is helping me handle things better and my wife told me I’m much calmer.
Improved Focus
More Effective Leadership
- I’m using Quick Coherence when I need to refocus. I needed to be part of a recent meeting to discuss on-going disagreements with one of my direct reports and another member of the team. I used Freeze-Frame before the meeting and was more centered and prepared which was important because I needed to actively communicate, rather than be non-responsive and just accepting the other person’s point of view. Two of my goals are #46 (Improve relationships with the people who report to me) and #50 (Improve my effectiveness in giving feedback and/or coaching to employees). Using the Effective Communications Worksheet in the homework assignment helped me prepare for an annual review with a direct report and as a result I was more clear about what I needed to say and was more open and direct than I had been in the past. Last week my team was presenting something to me on an on-going project. There are some things they’re not seeing the way I want them to. I was more conscious of coaching them by using the Inquiry tools to help them arrive at the understanding rather than me just telling them or getting frustrated that they weren’t seeing it. I’m getting out of my office more to foster more engagement with my direct reports and skip level people.
Listening More Effectively
Leading More Effectively
- I’m learning a lot about how much I need to improve in the ability to be more in tune with what people are saying. For me this is about my goals #35 (Improve my understanding of others, their feelings, concerns and their needs. (Empathy) and #37 (Improve my ability to listen effectively). Using the tools of Freeze-Frame, Intuitive Listening is helping while I also work on goal #7 (Improve control of my reactions to specific triggers) and now I’m not interrupting as much when I get triggered. I admit I’m not always being empathetic when I’m listening. In a situation with a Director who reports to me, who had not handled something the way I feel it should have been, I didn’t stay as upset as I would have in the past. After trying some of the Protocols for Skillful Discussion tools, I have increased awareness of how many times my perception may be off. By asking “why do you feel that way” or “tell me more about . . . “I’m finding that what I assumed isn’t always accurate. Now I’m making more of an effort to repeat back what I hear the person saying and it’s helping me realize what I’m missing. I believe I’m being more effective in my relationship with my direct reports and my boss. When we did the Leading with Resonance worksheet, it caused me to have a 1:1 with a direct report and the person was so surprised that I’d have that type of conversation, to really get to understand them better. It helped me realize some things I’m not doing and as we discussed the strengths I took a more positive approach. I was shocked at how well it went and realize this has been a blind spot for me.
Leadership & Relationships
Leadership & Relationships
Mutual use of EI tools
Improved Direct Report Engagement
Improved Direct Report Engagement
More Effective Leadership
Leading More Effectively
Do you believe this training and development program has resulted in improvements in the functioning or performance of this group of leaders? If yes, describe the most impactful improvements you have observed or experienced. Describe what you believe are one or two specific types or areas of ROI to the department or organization.
- We are more open to speak freely.
- More inclusive atmosphere, especially between local and out of town based team members
- Willingness to listen to alternate opinions
- Yes; team cohesion and commitment to EI – holding each other accountable
- We have a common vocabulary now and the trust level among team members has improved.
- Yes, there is a more trusting and respectful relationship between the group members.
- Yes, I believe the group better understands one another, a little empathy.
- Yes, everyone appears willing to take the time to listen and sympathize with each other’s obstacles and help where needed as one team.
- Less tension in meetings
- A more cohesive team
- A common vocabulary for using the EI tools
- Better listening skills
- More consideration for others’ opinions
- The leadership team and the senior leadership team have both become better integrated groups in which discussion is more open and leaders actively express divergent views in an appropriate manner.
- The individual participants seem to have developed better awareness of the effects of their behaviors and thought patterns on others, and more interest in the background dynamics around crucial conversations.
- The group seems to be collaborating more, especially on a 1-1 basis.
- There is more awareness of how people are coming across in meetings. More listening.
- More trust and transparency
- Enhanced communication amongst the team
- More inclusion into projects/initiatives – more input seeking
- The leaders are more aware of the core values. They not only stress the necessity of the work that needs to be done, but also the manner in which it’s completed
- They make more effort to connect to all employees throughout the organization
- Better listening skills; self-control.
- We are talking the same language for most part, as a result the working environment is better.
- Leaders are able to become more coherent and it is visible that they are using the Quick Coherence tool and other techniques.
- The most impactful improvements in the group for me was getting to know each other better. I have seen better networking and collaboration because of it.
- I have seen the EI tools and language used in meetings effectively impacting the outcome.
- This training was invaluable from a relationship perspective with our peers that we do not interact with on a daily basis
- There is definitely a deeper level of personal relationships that have developed which is driving more open dialogue
- Improved communication between leaders
- More appreciative of one another’s opportunities and challenges
- More Personal interaction between peers
- Our leaders are now more aware of these techniques and intentional about applying them.
- I think the shared vernacular and bonding that occurred over the duration of the course has brought the team closer and provided greater connection between individuals.
- Understanding that each person is on their own journey and facing their own development opportunities makes confronting our individual challenges easier because we know we are not broken. We are all in development. The program has humanized individuals in a way that would have been difficult otherwise.
- We will make more informed decisions and have clarity of direction.
- Greater focus on common goals – more capability applied to common problems through group thoughts
- Innovation – non-routine thoughts and solutions are readily encouraged
- Strengthened self-awareness of leadership demonstrations
- As a result of greater collective personal awareness, I believe we’re all more empathetic about one another’s challenges
- I think everyone learned important tools to make them better leaders and managers which in turn translates into better morale if we handle situations better than previously based on the techniques we learned.
- I think everyone has learned to handle the at home pressures with the tools which in turn makes work life easier in the long run.
- Improved communication
- More cross-functional relationships
- Better communication amongst the Sr. Leadership team
- Tools that will allow us to be more effective managers
- Cross functional relationships have improved
- The fact that we need to focus on developing leaders. Building capacity for the future.
- Spending more time with direct reports understanding their aspirations and providing proper coaching and feedback.
- Improved leadership in all 3 groups, benefiting decisions and teams broadly
- More trust and transparency saves time on unproductive, unnecessary frictional discussions
- Greater connection with members of this group as well as greater connections to our team.
- Increased focus on leadership development
- Building capacity for the future by stressing the non-technical, emotional element of communication.
- Relationships are improved due to having a common language around our challenges.
- Through more calm interactions, leaders make better decisions, which improves the bottom line.
- A better understanding of good leadership and the role emotional intelligence has in it and that EI can be learned and developed.
- Creating more focus on developing others and building healthy relationships.
- Building Capacity – the majority of participants are better as a result which will undoubtedly cascade downhill in the org
- Collaboration – deeper relationships will drive us to focus on decisions that improve the overall benefit of the company
- Better working relationships between leaders
- Better understanding of each other’s needs
- Greater capacity to understand the needs of direct reports
- Improved relationships both at home and at work.
- To create a consistent orientation to leadership and the behavior expected of leaders is a value that this program delivered.
- Enhancing cohesion because of the bonding that came from the program is also an immediate and direct ROI.
Do you feel that your ideas, thoughts, and perspectives are fully heard and understood by your direct leader?
Yes | No | |
PRE | 91% | 9% |
POST | 91% | 9% |
Do you receive the level or frequency of coaching, feedback and development guidance that you need and/or desire from your direct leader?
Yes | No | |
PRE | 68% | 32% |
POST | 77% | 23% |
Yes – I always feel appreciated | Yes – most of the time I’m satisfied with the expression of appreciation I receive | I rarely feel appreciated | No – not at all | |
PRE | 40% | 55% | 5% | 0% |
POST | 45% | 50% | 5% | 0% |
Personal and Organizational Quality Assessment (POQA-r)
Pre – Post program
The POQA-r is a normed self-report assessment consisting of 85 questions designed to measure key elements of personal and organizational quality, and key factors of organizational climate. Of primary consideration are the employees’ self-management competencies (foundational Emotional Intelligence competence), which interact with the organizational climate to influence and affect individual or personal quality. This, in turn, affects Organizational Quality indicators such as employee satisfaction, engagement and work effort, which produce important organizational performance outcomes such as customer satisfaction and profitability.
Pre and Post-program scores of participant responses were compared to a reference group consisting of over 5,900 responses from a variety of Fortune 500 companies and public sector organizations representing a diverse sample according to age, gender and job level.

Satisfaction and relevance of application – final participant survey extract
Leadership Team
A final participant survey was administered to gather anonymous feedback on participant satisfaction and perceived relevance of application to their job or role. Responses indicate a high degree of satisfaction with the program’s relevance and application to both workplace and personal life.