Client Impact & Testimonials
Client Impact & Testimonials

Client Results
You should expect and measure results
We work with you at the start of each engagement to identify goals and then define and articulate outcome measurements. Our Level 3, 4 and 5 learning and development programs use a variety of surveys and assessments to measure impact and outcomes in these 3 areas:
- Individual progress and satisfaction with:
- progress and outcomes in achieving individual goals
- the learning and/or coaching process and program itself
- Application of skills learned:
- behavioral demonstration by individuals and teams of competency development and/or defined norms
- Impact and results of application on:
- specific goals identified for the engagement
- individual performance outcomes
- team or group effectiveness
- departmental and organizational goals
- relationships at work
- perceptions of direct leaders tied to effective leadership actions and behaviors
- resilience, stress, coping, wellness, personal life/work life balance
Actual client results extracted from some of these survey measures are presented below.
Client Impact & Results
Sample 1: Manufacturing company – Medical technology industry
Fast-growing medium sized manufacturing company of medical technology. High-functioning Executive Leadership Team and Director Team with goals to develop, maximize and sustain leadership effectiveness through the company’s next phase of growth and succession of CEO...
Sample 2: Global Financial Services Company
High-functioning team of leaders for the North, Central, South American, European, Middle Eastern and Asian regions of a fast-growing global financial services organization that had recently been presented with heightened leadership performance expectations within a...
Sample 3: Finance company – Leadership Team
Strong-functioning Leadership team of President, Vice Presidents and direct-report team of Directors with goals to maximize, strengthen and sustain leadership effectiveness. Also to equip leadership to build capacity within their teams, increase engagement and...
Sample 4: Information Technology Services Leadership
Sr. Leadership team with goals to maximize, strengthen and sustain leadership team effectiveness and unification, and equip Vice Presidents to build managerial capacity and accountability within their functional teams. Client’s Objectives: Improve Leadership Team...
Sample 5: State of Florida Department of Health
The State of Florida Department of Health maintains strategic priorities focused on Prevention, Customer-driven Excellence, Public Health Preparedness and Response, and Return on Investment. The Inner Quality Management® and Emotional Intelligence: The Differentiating...
Sustained results are what you want when investing in development of your leadership talent. The following comments are from Sustainment Surveys we conduct 2 years, 3 years and 4 years after completion of Level 3, 4 or 5 Leadership Development and Emotional Intelligence learning programs. Responses were submitted voluntarily and anonymously to assure privacy and authenticity.
Sustainment Survey question: Thinking of the time that has passed since you completed the learning and coaching program, describe what you individually experience as the most lasting benefit(s) at work or at home:
- I am very grateful for the investment our President made in our leadership team by bringing your program to us a few years ago. We were already functioning pretty well, now we function in a superior way. Our communication, better understanding of one another and ability to be more authentic rather than avoiding conflict have enabled us to cut through time previously wasted. We didn’t know what we didn’t know before – and more importantly it has stayed with us and become our default.
- This program has been the most meaningful and practically applicable leadership learning in my professional career.
- I feel every benefit from our EI sessions EVERY day, both at work and at home. I felt then and still feel now that EI is the most significant and valuable training I’ve ever had. I’m very grateful for how it has helped me and how it has better equipped me for helping others, both personally and professionally. It’s a worthy investment. We should expand it here.
- Wish I had this training 10 years ago. I learned to have a completely new perspective on leading others. Wake up call for me.
- EI training has had a long-lasting positive impact on both my work and personal life. I am an enthusiastic advocate of expanding this learning to the manager group, and ultimately the supervisors as well. I have often thought that I wished I had the benefit of the EI learning 20 years ago —- I truly believe that it would have changed the course of my career and made me a higher contributing member of management.
- I learned more in the class than any other class in my 20+ years at this company.
- I learned how to build resilience independent of how challenging or difficult the situation may be. There is nothing more satisfying than to look at your journey and realize how much you have grown.
- Thank you for keeping me in your survey process. I’ve moved to a leadership position in another company where they have not yet offered your training but I have brought with me the tools I learned and use them every day. I am leading change again, but the stakes are even higher now. I must influence in new ways and I know without a doubt that I would fail if I had not developed the skills I learned with you. We need to get your program in here – the leaders here would be doing so much better if they had the same tools.
- The ability to stop and remove emotional significance has helped me greatly. To be able to look at a situation from another person’s point of view allows me to jump down off the ladder of inference and puts the whole situation in perspective.
- Over these years I had the opportunity to go back to the material we covered during training to address specific situations. That alone has been a valuable resource. Most importantly, I rely on several of the tools learned in class to help during challenging times as well as opportunities to grow. Training in EI delivers real-life tools to be used in real-life situations, especially in challenging environments. Some of these have become second nature and I am glad to have been exposed to it.
- Greater self-awareness and situational awareness in most situations (work and home) has helped me tremendously. I use various techniques learned in your program to understand others’ perspective and be more open. I can continue to reap benefits and see positive results in interactions with others.
- Daily self-awareness of where I’m coming from with my direct report team combined with REALLY being aware of tuning into them as individuals.
- I feel much better equipped to handle stressful situations without emotions getting in the way. And I find that asking questions before jumping to a conclusion brings a huge benefit for how I interact with others. From this approach, I have better insight into the matter at hand and everyone feels more respected along the way too. I just see and react to things more clearly. I even try to help others use the same techniques, like Freeze-Frame to clear their thinking or the Effective Communications Worksheet to better prepare for a difficult conversation or even how to better share info about their work.
- I’m much better at recognizing when my EI is slipping and am using these tools to keep me more emotionally even while being in a conflict situation. It has also helped me to be more open to others, listen more, and be a more effective leader.
- Being able to recognize what I am feeling in the moment and on most occasions make a real-time adjustment to lead to a more effective outcome.
Improved Relationships with Others, Teamwork
- Our leadership team consists of some of the best people I’d ever want to work with, yet we were not operating as a high-functioning team until we completed the program you brought us. We didn’t know how much better we could be. It’s everything – the way we make decisions, the more authentic communication, tolerance for divergent points of view at the front end, the way we’re leading the company as a united leadership body. The value is beyond my expectations. – CEO
- The quality of my relationships with my executive peers has improved and become more collaborative largely due to my application of improved patience and more effective listening and communication skills learned in this program. – CFO, Manufacturing company
- I’ve improved my peer relationships; they come to me to discuss business more often. I’ve also improved in that I now address issues with staff directly and have follow-up discussions vs. avoiding those issues. – Senior Vice President
- Your EI training remains a bright spot in my career and I apply your teachings in my work every day. It has helped me and my teams in so many ways. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity we had to learn from you. – Edmund Loftus, VP of Core Engineering
- I’ve improved my ability to motivate others. Co-workers are commenting on my improved teamwork. – Sr. Product Development Manager
- You were working with me and my team in a process that would significantly transform how we worked together (for the better). We were what I think was about 30% of the way into the process, when we were introduced to new communication and decision-making tools. In that exercise I told you we can stop right here, I’ve just seen the ROI for our investment. I would have paid you a million dollars for what occurred when we began using the tools you taught us. Well I’m glad we didn’t stop there because the payoff for the time and money invested in this entire process was three times what I expected. For me, each member of my team and for us as a team it’s been transformative. – Executive VP – Technology company
Improved Relationships with Direct Reports
- One of my main goals for this program is to more effectively develop and build my team to improve performance. When I started the EI program my world was very black and white. As I got into the program I saw the “grays” of emotional intelligence, empathy, how others might perceive differently, etc. There’s a fine line between something being the “right way” and “my way”. I’ve learned there are no “nevers” or” always”. I used to have a disconnect with direct reports that I had to “push along” vs. those that are driven. What I see more clearly now is that I have to adapt my approach for those with whom I felt the disconnect, that only through empathy will I be able to truly understand what motivates them, and how I can best develop them. Sometimes the challenge for me is with direct reports who think they’re ready for more responsibility that they really are; now I step back and assess how much of this is related to my approaches in coaching and developing them. – Sr. Director – Finance Company
- I’ve significantly improved in seeing others far more clearly than before. I’m more patient and understanding yet know more clearly where to be firm. One of the ways my performance has improved is that I am more organized in my thoughts and I’m less reactive. – Sr. Vice President, Global Services Company
- Impatience can lead me to jump ahead, interrupt, not listen as well as I should – really not being fully present. One example, using Intuitive Listening – has helped a lot and I’ve gotten feedback from direct reports that I am remaining calm and not interjecting as often. Just an hour ago I got feedback: a manager thanked me for listening and being attentive. Using these tools allows me to further foster relationships with people so they open up. We’re talking about raising expectations in leadership, and by being more open and vulnerable myself it reflects this. Another example, recently I used Quick Coherence in a challenging conversation with my direct leader, dealing with performance review calibrations and related conversations– enabled me to get much more objective and gave me a true reflection across the enterprise, the broader stakeholders and effects on direct report. – Vice President – Finance Company
- I’ve improved my patience. I really listen more to what people say and consider their motivation. As a manager, this has strengthened my relationships with the people in my department. – Sr. Product Development Manager
- I was going to provide an annual review to a direct report and it wasn’t going to be a good one. I wanted to not get anxious and provide the news, yet show him I want to support his success. I used Freeze-Frame before the meeting to get myself in the best frame of mind, then during the meeting FF enabled me to slow down my thinking and expand what I was saying so I provided context and examples. I was conscious of listening with more empathy. With my direct reports and with others I am aware of listening and restating before solutioning. I hear others talking about their use of Balancing Advocacy with Inquiry in order to use more Inquiry, but in my case I am aware of the need to use advocacy more in some situations where I need to be more comfortable expressing my opinion. – Vice President – Finance Company
Improved Communication and Listening
- My communication skills in difficult situations have improved. – Division Director
- My listening skills have improved. I am less reactive and feel more effective as a listener. – Sr. Internal Consultant
- I know that I have improved the way I am talking with people because others seem to be getting closer to me . . . coming to me for advice, information and suggestions; I’m more approachable. – Sr. Engineer
- I’ve improved my ability to listen more effectively and communicate effectively in difficult situations. This has been a big obstacle for me for years to be aware of how my body language comes across. I’m listening more (now) and not speaking first so it doesn’t come across that I’m trying to take over the discussion. It’s taking a lot of practice and I’ve definitely improved my listening with peers. Also with my direct reports, I’m being more patient and letting them express their thoughts, even if I don’t agree. Using the Protocols for Skillful Discussion – making my reasoning and thinking more explicit, balancing advocacy and inquiry, this is also helping me and the others I’m speaking with. Basically I’m listening more and asking more questions and clarifying assumptions, both mine and others. – Vice President, Information Technology
Increased Resilience and Managing Change
- For the first time I am now able to reduce the down time I experience after setbacks. When frustrating issues arise that set me back, or feel like we’re going off course, it used to take me 2 or 3 days to regroup. Using the tools you’ve taught us, I’m now able to get back on course in less than an hour. – Sr. Director, Technology Company
- The most important strategic focus for me this year is leading change in the department for improved accountability and performance. The culture here speaks of these things being important but people are unaccustomed to standards to measure it. Applying the tools and approaches from the training is enabling me to influence and get buy in more authentically than before. I’ve modified my approach and people are resisting less and engaging more in the new processes. – Vice President
- In the past two years we’ve had 3 significant changes to navigate and I’ve been in a position of having to respond to these changes, and attempt to lead my team in what feels like a roller coaster environment. I often do not have answers to the questions my team has and in the past I would wait until I had solid information to convey. You helped me realize this approach was causing increased apprehension for the team. Now I’m communicating more often, opening the floor to questions even those I can’t answer, and facilitating discussion of the process we’re in and connecting individually with each team member more often. At first it seemed this would take up too much of my time but instead it seems to have made everything more fluid. – Vice President, Operations
- My self-motivation and resilience have improved because I am taking the initiative in what needs to get done so my job is smoother. I’m no longer waiting for someone else to point the way. – Supervisor
Leadership Effectiveness
- The effectiveness of my team’s performance has increased with my application of heightened self-awareness and use of the listening and communication tools. Expectations are clearer as we navigate and lead significant change in our organization. – COO, Manufacturing company
- My productivity, leadership and mental clarity have all improved significantly. – Director, IT
- I am much more calm. I don’t get agitated as easy. This is impacting some of the managers that report to me, so they in turn calm down when there is a problem. I’ve noticed more conversations where I’m not getting defensive. For heavy-duty meetings I’m preparing myself before I walk in to set a better tone. I’m finding Freeze-Frame to be a very valuable tool for me. – Regional Vice President – Marketing
- Last week my team was presenting something to me on an on-going project. There are some things they’re not seeing the way I want them to. I was more conscious of coaching them by using the Inquiry tools to help them arrive at the understanding rather than me just telling them or getting frustrated that they weren’t seeing it. I’m getting out of my office more to foster more engagement with my direct reports and skip level people. I needed to be part of a recent meeting to discuss on-going disagreements with one of my direct reports and another member of the team. I used Freeze-Frame before the meeting and was more centered and prepared which was important because I needed to actively communicate, rather than be non-responsive and just accepting the other person’s point of view. Using the Effective Communications Worksheet me prepare for an annual review with a direct report and as a result I was more clear about what I needed to say and was more open and direct than I had been in the past. I’m using Quick Coherence when I need to refocus. – Sr. Director, Regulatory Department
- I’m learning a lot about how much I need to improve in the ability to be more in tune with what people are saying. Using the tools of Freeze-Frame, Intuitive Listening is helping and now I’m not interrupting as much when I get triggered. I admit I’m not always being empathetic when I’m listening. In a situation with a Director who reports to me, who had not handled something the way I feel it should have been, I didn’t stay as upset as I would have in the past. After trying some of the Protocols for Skillful Discussion tools, I have increased awareness of how many times my perception may be off. By asking “why do you feel that way” or “tell me more about . . . “I’m finding that what I assumed isn’t always accurate. Now I’m making more of an effort to repeat back what I hear the person saying and it’s helping me realize what I’m missing. I believe I’m being more effective in my relationship with my direct reports and my boss. When we did the Leading with Resonance worksheet, it caused me to have a 1:1 with a direct report and the person was so surprised that I’d have that type of conversation, to really get to understand them better. It helped me realize some things I’m not doing and as we discussed the strengths I took a more positive approach. I was shocked at how well it went and realize this has been a blind spot for me. – Vice President – Finance Company
- I’ve been focused on goals #35 (Empathy; Improve my understanding of others, their feelings, concerns and their needs) and #40 (Improve my ability to communicate effectively when I am upset or feeling uncomfortable emotions). I’m having continued success as I apply this, especially during this project. We’re almost ready to start systems integration and people are starting to “freak-out” from the pressure. I’ve been checking myself in the interactions with others so that I’m also not freaking out and can be a better leader in this process. As I’m getting calls from people who are anxious and upset I’m calming them; I’m using Intuitive Listening and repeating back what I hear them saying, so they’re feeling heard and acknowledged. In the past when I was stressed out I’d shut down and not be aware of how that affects people on my team. Now, I’m remaining engaged and communicating which is helping them too. – Director, Information Technology
Improved Influence
- My ability to influence others has improved. Other people are starting to gravitate toward me and ask for my expertise. – Program Manager
- I’ve become aware of how little time I was spending really thinking ahead, and seeing the big picture. In my day-to-day I would go from one task to the next, maybe finish one task and then make a phone call or walk into a meeting without really re-focusing on the bigger goal or interaction. I’m finding that if I use Quick Coherence and Neutral in between tasks and interactions, that I’m more present, more tuned in and more calm. This has been especially helpful before one-to-one interactions with my team. This is helping me improve my ability to influence, motivate and/or energize others. – Vice President, Information Technology
Improved Focus, Mental Clarity and Performance
- The stress level has gone up around here and at the same time I am more calm and focused. I have been able to remove the negative emotions and feelings during stressful situations that tended to cloud the logical thought process. This shortens the length of time I spend on a project, leaving more time for other projects. – Marketing Director, Int’l Mfg. Company
- I have improved my thought processes and prioritization. – Senior Engineer, Technology Company
- I’ve improved in thinking clearly during escalating periods of tension and I experience fewer moments of impasse – Sr. Manager
- My decision making process has improved in cases where consensus is required as I focus on facts and process and stating desired outcomes of meetings. – Director, Compliance
- I’ve improved my mental clarity and focus. I know better how to prioritize, what to focus on, what is really important and what is not. – Manager
- I’m taking more initiative. I still feel the hesitation at first, which I guess is uncertainty, self-doubt or fear of some kind, but I’m able to apply the tools and move forward. – Director, Operations
- I notice I’m able to get out of the feelings of turmoil much faster and re-focus. I’m being more centered more often. – Director, Marketing
- I’ve become better at saying no and removing myself from activities that are not a priority. I am focusing more on higher impact items. – Regional Vice President – Marketing
Reduced Stress – Improved Well-being
- Something interesting happened. Prior to this training, I had been having health problems due to the stress load, but feeling hesitate about approaching my manager to discuss them – not sure how to communicate it well and how it would be received. I love my job and I’m not one to complain about “too much work.” Finally, I’ve met w/my manager who was so very focused and listened empathetically. I felt very good and feel we connected at a new level. Another significant impact has been in the relationship w/one of our agencies and how we are communicating with them using the Skillful Discussion tools and Intuitive Listening, while at the same time managing Overcare. – Sr. Director, Marketing
- I must tell you that I was a real skeptic when I heard you say that these tools can help some people with reducing blood pressure. Mine is measured two – three times a week and well, it is down. I think this is because I’m using the tools to remain calm in spite of high stress demands at work. Also, I have a tendency to be a bit sarcastic, it can be humorous, but I realize that it was becoming unprofessional and that I should modify this for my career growth. I’m making progress using several of the tools. – Regional Director, Financial Services
Improved Emotional Intelligence (Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Empathy, Social Skills)
- Overall, I’m seeing that I’m much more rational and less emotional. There have been 3 specific situations where I changed my approach for the better, after applying these tools we’ve learned. It’s been very helpful for me to step back and realize where I am making assumptions without basis. An important goal for me is improve my ability to listen effectively to viewpoints of others with whom I disagree. I am listening better in these situations and trying to understand the background of the other person’s POV. – Regional Director, Financial Services
- I’m finding this course to be fantastic. The scientific background makes a difference for me in learning this and awareness. I notice I have higher awareness of my choices “in the moment” and I’m opting to use my level 3 bring more often. This week, during a meeting with Tom, as he challenged me, I used Freeze-Frame and it didn’t get to me. I didn’t lose my focus and become too nervous. I did very well. – Director, Marketing
- I had the benefit of being coached on Emotional Intelligence byApril as part of a corporate training programme. And I can heartily endorse April as Brilliant! She has the skills, knowledge, eloquence and empathy to create life-changing experiences. Thanks April – I am every grateful! – Ashish Merchant, Marketing – Global Financial Services company